On Sun, 26 Jun 2011, Jasmin Christian Blanchette wrote:

Now, this all sounds well and good, but there is a little glitch. In "try_methods.ML" the line

val st = st |> Proof.map_context (Config.put Metis_Tactics.verbose false)

is meant to tell Metis to be quiet, but somehow it is ignored. If you do

   lemma "map f [] = []"
   using map.simps

you get the warning

   ### Metis: Unused theorems: "List.map.simps_2"

which is strange because in Metis's code that warning is only printed if "verbose" is true. Is "Proof.map_context" not the thing I should be using?

Proof.map_context is right, also the use of the context later on, as far as I can see in the sources.

In fact, I cannot reproduce the above problem in Isabelle/0d78c8d31d0d.

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