On Thu, 4 Apr 2013, Thomas Sewell wrote:

David's investigation explains a problem we had a few years ago where some custom tactics of mine were killing my colleagues' ProofGeneral sessions when they encountered errors. The workaround at the time was to remove all potentially useful debugging information (terms, in particular) from the relevant exceptions. Unfortunately this made tracking down the bugs in the tactics somewhat challenging.

In hindsight, I should probably put the debug terms in the tracebuffer and thrown a vanilla exception. Hindsight is perfect, of course.

So why did none of you guys ever report that? We have a very reactive isabelle-users mailing list, compared to most other project's "issue trackers". It is also possible to discuss anything for inter-release Isabelle versions here on isabelle-dev, although its reactivity needs to be specifically slowed down to avoid hazards in the development process.

Having a certain observation or undesirable behaviour on someone's TODO list for 1-2 years already, it is like to be a matter of the past now.

Instead we have a lot of wasted time here with patches that are proposed in a way to make it an urgent and immediate issue to be "fixed" while you wait.

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