Naturally this notation is less important than before, and never strictly 
essential. But would we save much by eliminating it?


On 21 May 2013, at 11:46, Makarius <> wrote:

> Does it mean you propose to discontinue "(in a)" at some point?
> An old idea on my list is to add some support to the Prover IDE to rework 
> theories with many consecutive "(in a)" to use just one "context a begin ... 
> end" around it -- this is also more efficient.  Apart from that I have 
> occasionally considered to provide explicit fold support for such contexts in 
> the editor -- the canonical layout does not have any indentation here.
> Thus "(in a)" would eventually become more rare in practice, although my 
> speculations did not go as far as discontinuing it altogether.  It might be 
> worth to reconsider that question at some point nonetheless.

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