On Tue, 21 May 2013, Lars Noschinski wrote:

On 21.05.2013 12:46, Makarius wrote:
An old idea on my list is to add some support to the Prover IDE to
rework theories with many consecutive "(in a)" to use just one "context
a begin ... end" around it -- this is also more efficient. Apart from
that I have occasionally considered to provide explicit fold support for
such contexts in the editor -- the canonical layout does not have any
indentation here.

I don't know whether context blocks are an important unit for folding, but something I have missed recently is a quick way to find out in what context I am at a certain point in my theory.

OK, that's part of some first-class support of logical contexts within the editor.

I am reminded about the lack of something like that everytime I see funny comments like that:

  context foo


  end  (* context foo *)

Luckily such formally unchecked comments are rare.

I do this usually by searching backwards for "context" (which means I might miss contexts opened by "locale") or manually search through the sidekick. To check whether I am in a local context at all, I usually insert an additional "end" command and look for an error.

BTW, there is also the old-fashioned TTY command print_context to ask the prover. It is more relevant in non-trivial contexts like 'interpretation'. On the other hand, all these things should be more immediate in the Prover IDE, as generated templates or similar.

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