On Sat, 5 Jul 2014, Makarius wrote:

On Fri, 4 Jul 2014, Makarius wrote:

 On Tue, 1 Jul 2014, Makarius wrote:

>   I am about to update the website, such that Isabelle2014-RC0 can be
>   published with an approximation of the one for the coming release.

 I will tag Isabelle2014-RC0 today or tomorrow, shooting blindly at the

There were some delays, but I will definitely make a blind shot today, within the next few hours.

See now http://isabelle.in.tum.de/website-Isabelle2014-RC0 which refers to Isabelle/251ef0202e71.

The Isabelle repository remains in normal pre-release development state, until after the ITP week of VSL 2014. This provides further opportunities for consolidation, but last-minute incompatibilities are better avoided.

I will try to wrap up as quickly as possible for Isabelle2014-RC1 in the week of 21-Jul-2014, with the normal repository fork to https://bitbucket.org/isabelle_project/isabelle-release/. People who stay longer in Vienna need to keep this in mind.

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