On Tue, 22 Jul 2014, Lars Noschinski wrote:

While working on bringing a larger library (AutoCorres) to 2014-rc0, I
relatively often run into prover hiccups (processing theories stops for
a while). This might be seconds, minutes or "too long, restarted the
prover instead".

If this is a "PIDE grey-out", i.e. the prover process is busy but comes back spontaneously after many seconds, it means the ML heap is overfull and the Poly/ML RTS does a lot of online-sharing of values.

It might a sign that the application requires x86_64, but then the time for small mobile devices with only 4-8 GB is also over. I do recall times when "4 GB" was synonymous with "inifinite memory", but that is long past.

A related point is that opening a ML file in an already processed theory seems to reset the processed proof state back to this theory, even if I don't change anything.

That particular aspect is documented in the Isabelle/jEdit manual in the section about "Auxiliary files":

  Initially, before an auxiliary file is opened in the editor, the prover
  reads its content from the physical file-system. After the file is
  opened for the first time in the editor, e.g.\ by following the
  hyperlink (\secref{sec:tooltips-hyperlinks}) for the argument of its
  @{command ML_file} command, the content is taken from the jEdit buffer.

  The change of responsibility from prover to editor counts as an update
  of the document content, so subsequent theory sources need to be
  re-checked. When the buffer is closed, the responsibility remains to the
  editor: the file may be opened again without causing another document

That slightly odd dual-responsiblity was a concession to allow Isabelle/HOL source editing within PIDE, on small machines with only 4-8 GB memory.

Their might be other snags that are not documented, so it is important to keep two eyes on it as usual.

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