> On 27 Jul 2016, at 08:00, Tobias Nipkow <nip...@in.tum.de> wrote:
> No, we keep talking about it (internally), but nobody at TUM has done 
> anything about it. It would be great if you want to take this on. It is 
> potentially tedious because there are many existing uses of multisets.

Indeed, it will probably be tedious.

> Did we ever discuss the naming issue? "insert_mset" would be the canonical 
> name, but it would make larger expressions hard to read.

There was some discussion in March: 
 but I don't see an explicit conclusion on the best name. 

I don't remember any other discussion.


> Tobias
> On 26/07/2016 13:59, Mathias Fleury wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> (Relaunching this nearly-one-and-a-half-years-old thread.)
>> Before I start working on it, has anyone already done some work towards 
>> adding insert_mset?
>> Thanks,
>> Mathias
>>> On 08 Apr 2015, at 11:12, Larry Paulson <l...@cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> Sounds logical to me.
>>> Larry
>>>> On 8 Apr 2015, at 08:13, Tobias Nipkow <nip...@in.tum.de> wrote:
>>>> Currently the setup in Multiset is geared towards having the 3 basic 
>>>> (non-free) constructors: empty, singleton and union. Although induction 
>>>> already has only two cases (empty and union with singleton), it would be 
>>>> nicer to have only two constructors, like for finite sets: empty and 
>>>> insert. In particular, this often avoids the use of ac_simps for union 
>>>> because representations are more canonical. The singleton constructor 
>>>> would be retained as an abbreviation for "insert_mset _ {#}" but "M + 
>>>> {#x#}" would be simplified to "insert_mset x M", like for sets.
>>>> Any views?
>>>> Tobias
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