
I am doing a local build of Apache Isis and I get an error in the build of
the testsupport component as follows:

expected:<Mon Mar 08 06:30:00 IST 2010> but was:<Mon Mar 08 01:00:00 IST

This is because my Time Zone is IST. If I set my Time Zone to GMT then the
test passes.

The error comes at this line in the class ObjectFixtureFilePersistorTest
and method loadInstance():

Assert.assertEquals(dateFormat.parse("08-Mar-2010 01:00 GMT"),

Here the epv.getData() returns date in IST and the code getting executed is
from the SimpleEntity getDate() method

Is there any way to fix this? How do we make the SimpleEntity use the UTC
time zone instead of IST?

Thanks & Regards,


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