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3 Ramadan 1432 H: Iftar for Orphans from Markaz Ibn Taymiyah and Dar 
Al-Muhsineen, Maguindanaothe 'early-bird' donor groups.. :-)
For Iftar- beef and chicken dishes with rice, fried noodles and fruit 
juicesThank you to our sponsors!PackingChocolate drinks in tetra packs stored 
in ice; kids like it very much.
Our scholars from Amman, Jordan are on vacation and helping in the Iftar event. 
It gives a boost of motivation to the orphans that they also can make it 
someday, alhamdulillah.130 orphans and staff were enjoyed the special meal for 
iftarbila nak masuk waktu ni? :-)

Alhamdulillah, good food, at least for an evening.... 

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