From: Jawed Anwar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 8:52 PM
Subject: Will Another Bloody Chapter Open in Muslim History?


Will Another Bloody Chapter Open in Muslim History?


Jafar Syed   

Monday, February 20, 2006

"THE UNITED STATES, Pakistan, Iran and everybody should know that this time Afghans will not become refugees" ... President Karzai




US Congress Prepares Legal Sanction for Spying Program


Joe Kay, WSWS   

Monday, February 20, 2006

NEGOTIATIONS are under way between the White House and congressional leaders to pass legislation that will provide a pseudo-legal sanction for the Bush administration's domestic spying program.




Season of Strange Alliances


Ghulam Muhammad   

Monday, February 20, 2006

MUMBAI:  the growing anger of Muslim world against the apathy of the West towards forming an institutionalized criminal ban on derogatory depiction of religion and religious persona, in media of all forms; protests are spreading across towns and villages of India.




On a “Hunting Accident”


Jerald F. Dirks   

Monday, February 20, 2006

THE AIRWAVES and newspaper pages have been filled this past week with news of Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting accident on a Texas ranch on Saturday, February 11th.  Reportedly, the VP turned to shoot at a covey of quail that had just taken flight. 


Jawed Anwar
Editor in Chief
Daily Muslims

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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Holy quran


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