Assalamualikum.  Three messages
  1 Message
  URGENT Response Required
  There Has to Be Equality - Ismail Patel, Chair, Friends of Al-Aqsa
  In an article in today's Guardian, Ismail Patel sets out the inequality in 
treatment of young British Jews joining up to and serving with Israel's 
occupation forces, and the treatment of Muslim Palestinians even contemplating 
defending the Palestinian people in a similar manner. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee do read 
the article and write your comments on the website also please forward the 
message to your friends. Thanks. We want justice not illegal occupation.  
  Everyone is requested to read the article and comment on it. The pro-Zionist 
lobby has already flooded the web-site and a balanced response is needed. Full 

  2 message Brother is put in prison for no reason .......For more information 
about Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, please visit: and his talks can be listen 
to on
  Third Message
    What Is It Like To Have Your Home Demolished: 8 Minute Video: 

Israeli Occupation Forces Demolish Palestinian Homes

    The U.S. Has a History of Using Torture

By Alfred W. McCoy

This (new) legislation has effectively legalized the CIA's right to use methods 
that the international community, embodied in the Red Cross and the UN Human 
Rights Committee, considers psychological torture.
  How US dollars disappear in Afghanistan: 

Mr. Karzai has done nothing tangible in the past 4 years to rebuild the 
country. Millions of $ has been given to Afghanistan by donor countries but 
much of it is being grabbed by warlords, NGOs and UN workers.
  Study Group says administration's policy has led to chaos in Iraq: 

President Bush's policy in Iraq "is not working," a high-level commission said 
bluntly on Wednesday, prodding the administration to use diplomacy to stabilize 
the country and allow withdrawal of most American combat troops by early 2008.
  So the dollar's worth 50p. Stay cool: 

Just when you think War, Death and Pestilence have the field all to themselves, 
along on the rails comes the fourth horseman - the nightmare of every 
beleaguered US president - a collapsing dollar.,,6-2480466,00.html
  Journalists Release Guantanamo Bay Report: 

Titled "Broken Chains of Guantanamo", the volume describes the extreme physical 
and mental torture to which the inmates -- mostly suspected Taliban and their 
allies who were picked up from Afghanistan or Pakistan -- were subjected to.

  Israel plans to destroys 42,000 homes of Palestinian Bedouins : 

The Israeli interior minister, Roni Bar-On, declared that his ministry has 
planned the demolition of more than 42,000 homes of Palestinian Bedouins that 
were built even before 1948 when Israel was proclaimed.
  "Bin Laden Will Be Back": 

Former CIA agent Michael Scheuer , "We think bin Laden and al Qaeda are 
gangsters, that nobody could possibly like them because they flew aircraft into 
our buildings. But the truth of the matter is that people hate us much more 
than bin Laden.
  David Hicks: Unconvicted, Tortured, Broken: 

If the Australian government thinks it can breeze through yet another 
anniversary of David Hicks imprisonment in an American military hellhole, they 
are going to brutally surprised.

  Ahmadinejad wants US out of Iraq : 

Ahmadinejad said that Iraqis should govern themselves without any interference 
and blamed the US for stirring up divisions between Iraq's Shia, Sunnis and 
  Like Hitler and Brezhnev, Bush is in denial 

By Robert Fisk

More than half a million deaths, an army trapped in the largest military 
debacle since Vietnam, a Middle East policy already buried in the sands of 

Mesopotamia - and still George W Bush is in denial. How does he do it? How does 
he persuade himself - as he apparently did in Amman 

yesterday - that the United States will stay in Iraq "until the job is 

  Six Muslim Leaders Removed in Handcuffs From US Airways Plane After Praying 
in Airport

Democracy Now Interview

After their release, US Airways denied them passage on any of its other flights 
and refused to help them obtain tickets through another airline. Two of the 
imams joins us in our firehouse studio. Click to listen. Audio and transcript
  Bedouin citizens of Israel denied water as means of transfer: 

The Water Tribunal Supported the Government's Policy of Seeking to Move Arab 
Bedouin Citizens of Israel from their Land in the Naqab by Upholding Decisions 
of the Water Commissioner not to Supply them with Drinking Water
  Stranger than fiction? 

Man ordered imprisoned for threatening President Bush: An Israel-born 
Palestinian was sentenced Tuesday to federal prison but was credited with time 
already served on charges that he threatened to castrate President Bush while 
involuntarily committed at a mental hospital.
  Hearings for Defense nominee Robert Gates are today. Gates has said "that he 
supported Bush's decision to invade in 2003 and that leaving Iraq 'in chaos' 
would harm U.S. interests for many years. Beyond that he has not said how the 
U.S. might get Iraq moving in the right direction."
    CNN's John Roberts called the situation in Iraq an "absolute mess" and said 
the media has "sanitized" their coverage of the violence. "The amount of death 
that's on the streets of Baghdad for U.S. forces and for the Iraqi people is at 
an astronomical level," Roberts said. 
  Yesterday on Fox News, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) "accused a Fox News anchor of 
conducting a skewed interview designed to make Democrats look bad." Frank told 
Chris Wallace, "Everything [you say] is aimed at trying to put us in a kind of 
a bad light." Asked how fair Fox is when compared to other news outlets, Frank 
said the network is "substantially worse."


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