My reply to Turkman
  TURKMAN: Yes they do. Don't you know, Moslim Civilized Behaviour in Pakistan 
is to slaughter the believers of 'the other faiths'?
  That is a total lie, a few incidents does not equate to state policy.
TURKMAN :Civilized Behaviour is only protesting in whichever way people choose. 
If you don't like it, leave Australia ...! Why the hell are you there in 
violation of Shriyah at the first place? Why don't you admit that Moslim 
Nations (which are made of people like you) have failed to create a better 
society than Non Moslims
  I thought in Australia they had laws to protect public decency, I am sure u 
would object to people walking around and protesting naked. As for asking 
Muslims to leave this is an indication of your intellectual level and i wonder 
what your response would be if the Aboriginies said this to the white 
immigrants? For your information the whole world belongs to Allah and Muslims 
can go and live anywhere we please.
  As for Muslim lands being a mess, i agree with u, can u please ask western 
soldiers to leave our lands and for western nations to stop interfering in our 

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