Divide and conquer is all they are about. It is ashame to see how blatantly 
obvious the U.S. is about it. All in service to their Jewish masters... What is 
even worse are the foolish Palestinians who allow themselves to be used that 

  From correspondents in Gaza City 

February 01, 2007 04:42am 
Article from: Agence France-Presse 

HAMAS overnight slammed a multi-million dollar US aid package to bolster 
security forces loyal to its rival Fatah, as the two Palestinian factions 
consolidated a two-day-old truce by releasing hostages. 

"There is no doubt that this is part of American policy aimed at provoking an 
escalation and a civil war in the service of a Zionist plan," said Ismail 
Radwan, a spokesman for Islamist movement Hamas, which heads the government. 

"Each time the American administration sees that we have arrived, or are on the 
verge of arriving, at an agreement, it sends (US Secretary of State) 
Condoleezza Rice to poison the atmosphere or announces financial aid (to 
president Mahmud Abbas) to maintain tensions among Palestinians," he said. 

US President George W. Bush has ordered the transfer of about $US86 million 
($111.58 million) in aid to strengthen security forces loyal to the moderate 
president and Fatah party leader, the White House announced yesterday. 

The aid was declared as a truce between Fatah and Hamas took effect in Gaza 
following the deadliest bout of inter-Palestinian violence in a year and a day 
after a Palestinian suicide bomber killed three people in southern Israel. 

The truce was largely holding for a second day today, as the groups swapped 
hostages. Medics, however, said unknown gunmen shot and wounded a presidential 
guard officer, one day after a Hamas militant was killed. 

"Last night, we started to implement the agreement between Fatah and Hamas and 
the hostages on both sides have been exchanged," said Mr Radwan. 

"Dozens of hostages have been released on both sides," said the Fatah spokesman 
in the Gaza Strip, Tawfiq Abu Khussa. 

But while the Fatah spokesman said the general atmosphere had improved, he 
complained that an "executive force" controlled by Hamas was causing "tensions 
and not helping the restoration of confidence" between the groups. 

The ceasefire was brokered amid increasing international pressure on the 
factions to resolve their differences and negotiate a power-sharing agreement 
after months of broken talks and collapsed ceasefires. 

The US aid is part of a broader US push to revive peace negotiations between Mr 
Abbas and Israel, with the four Middle East peace sponsors - the European 
Union, Russia, United Nations and United States - to meet in Washington on 
Friday (Saturday AEDT). 

US officials said the aid, which includes training, vehicles and uniforms, 
would theoretically help Mr Abbas counter militant attacks against Israel such 
as Tuesday's suicide bombing in the popular Red Sea resort of Eilat. 

"The idea is to build the legitimate security forces, to help provide law and 
order in Gaza and the West Bank, fight terrorism and to facilitate movement and 
access," said national security spokesman Gordon Johndroe. 

The European Union and United States cut off aid to the Palestinians after 
Hamas routed long-dominant Fatah in polls last January, dominating parliament 
and forming a government, consigning Fatah's hold on power to the presidency. 

Fatah and Hamas, which have very different political outlooks, have tried for 
months to form a national unity government in the hope of resuming Western aid 
payments and reversing an unprecedented economic crisis. 

Hamas has steadfastly refused to accept Western conditions to renounce 
violence, recognise Israel or abide by past peace deals. 

The political showdown turned violent after Abbas announced in December that he 
would call new elections in the hope of wresting control from Hamas. 

Thirty-five people have been killed and around 100 wounded in the latest bout 
of internecine violence. 

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