                       Surah Al Fatiha(The Opening) with Eng Translation(Video) 
 Al-Fâtiha is the first sûrah (chapter) of the Qur'ân,      and was one of the 
earliest portions of the Qur'ân revealed to the prophet       Muhammad by the 
angel Gabriel. The entire Qur'ân was revealed in the      years from 610 to 632 
     The Arabic word fâtiha     indicates an opening,     beginning or 
commencement, and is derived from the root f-t-h      which means to open, 
unlock, reveal, conquer.                       Bible VS Quran  NEW
 Bible And Quran      both are known as heavenly books. Bible VS Quran is a 
good and healthy      comparison between, this two Holy Books                   
                Online Software for Learning            Arabic and 
Understanding Quran Online 
     By Clicking on this Link                  start  Learning Quran Now       
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