Palestinians do get killed almost everywhere,
it is their fate since the Zionists decided for Palestine
instead of Madagascar....

But this is no news !!

What we witness today is a "primeur" taking place 
in the North of Lebanon :
on one side we have ,
indirectly financed by the CIA (via some Fat Saudi Prince)
to help support the pro-Wahhabi-Puppets-Lebanese-regime
who would like to see a counter-balance to Hezbollah
and who would like to blame Syria for anything it can lay it hands on.
On the other side:
The official Lebanese army multi-religious and even multi-sectarian, organised 
and legal on all sense of that word.....but financed and equipped by the 
Pentagon for different and multiple reasons, like to stand against Syria 
( but not against Israel) ......of course.

Practically the confrontation is today between the Lebanese Army and the Sunni 
(non-palestinian) fanatics for obviously non ideological reasons..............
We can translate this into a confrontation between
the CIA against the Pentagon
whereas Arab blood is shed on both sides
while the world's attention is deviated from Gaza
where only Arab blood is shed but only from one side,
the Palestinian side.............

We conclude here that all that exaggerated attention 
and that extended Media-coverage is aiming at some points :

1- not only Israelis slaughters Palestinians......
    Lebanese do it too !!
2- Hamas the legitimate Palestinian authority is to be 
    falsely compared with "Fatah Al Islam", 
    that  fanatic-chaotic-enigmatic-anonymous-bunch.
3- Fatah-al-Islam was literally planted into a Palestinian camp
    to use the Palestinian flesh as sand bags for any 
    new CIA-scheme being tried-out in the Middle East Arena.

So may I line-up my ideas and my accusations , please :
A- Fatah al Islam is a Saudi-CIA  one-night-stand-show.
B- the Lebanese Army is a new-born-baby
    on a life-support-machine  offered from the Pentagon
C- Siniora Government is a Saudi-US-Congress puppet
D- Hamas is a genuine liberation-government
E- Syria is the bad-wolf, for any occasion.....false or true.
D- Palestinian-population is for the target-practicing
    whereas anyone may take turn.
E- Israel gets all that.........for free

Next time you switch on your TV  on the news
around Nahr el Bared in North Lebanon,
please bear in mind that all ideologies have died.
And the world is now divided only between 
the people killing for the sake of Israel .........
and the others , who are dying for the same sake.

Raja  Chemayel
23rd. of May 2007

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