Bismillah, As Salaam Alaikum, Imam Kashif,

I regret that your righteous indignation at the posting  of the  message " 
Houston Imam Wazir Ali / Masjid officials - Fail to Respond to Offer to Mediate 
Peace" caused you to request to  leave the Muslims in Georgia forum.

You say, " Shaitan revels, mockingly, as ''Muslims' wash their linen,' in 

I assume that the third quote mark was either a typo or that its paring fourth 
quote mark is missing.

It appears that you, along with Shaitan are the moking ones, as you put the 
word Muslims in quotations, as if to question whether those you are referring 
to are real Muslims or merely "Musalims" = quotation Muslims, whatever you 
intend that to mean.. 

You lament the washing of linen in public.  As a learned Imam are you aware of 
the Islamic principle that permits those whose Allah endowed Rights are being 
oppressed, to publically protest that oppression, when private efforts to end 
it have failed?

Allah's Divine Wisdom in permitting this public protest, fights the spread of 
oppression throughout the society in dark, hidden secrecy, just like chemo and 
radiation therapy  fights  cancer spreading rampant, throughout the body 
internally, while all looks peaceful  and healthy externally.

You say, "  Does one think that Allah is not the Ultimate Arbitrator? He 
cautions the believers to be patient and persever(e). Tell me, throughout all 
this " noise." who has lifted up his hands, and/or bowed before Allah in 

Of course Allah is th Ultimate Arbitrator.  And of course Allah teaches the 
believer to be patient and persevere.  And what believer has not "lifted up his 
 hands and//or bowedbefore Allah in supplication"  at a rate of at least 
seventeen fard rakats a day?.

However, does Allah command us to sit and wait for him to come and end our 
oppression, or does he command us to fight the same way that Prophet 
Muhammad and his sahabah fought it for 23 years.  He and his sahabah was 
patient and they persevered.  They also fought physical warss that requiredr 
mortal combat.

  Prophet Muhammad fought the oppression of his and his communities worship at 
the Sacred Mosque....for thirteen years whle he resided in Mecca.  and he 
continued to fight it after the hidrah from Mecca. They continued to fight it 
until he was able to pray there in peace.  He diid not sit and wait for Allah, 
the "Ultimatre Arbitrator" to whom he bowed and made supplications to,..... to 
come and remove the oppression while he sat and waited.   And he protested this 
oppression publicaly.

You may recall the old Nation of Islam question,  "Would you sit at home and 
wait for Jesus to bring you dinner?"  the answer, naturaly is "no".  

Allah Helps those who help themselves." any legal, moral means  necessary.

Why does Allah command us to fight oppression?  Becauuse in His 
words...."Oppression is worse than Slaughter."

 Sura 2-217 " They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: 
"Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah 
to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the 
Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members." Tumult and oppression are worse than 

Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if 
they can. And if any of you turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, 
their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be 
Companions of the Fire and will abide therein."

In this sura, Not only does Allah declare that oppression is greater than 
slaughter, He then detaiils some of these kinds of oppression:

   prevent access to the path of Allah, 

   to deny Him, 

   to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque,
    and drive out its members.
All of these specific kinds of oppression are practiced when Imams and 
officials who banish ummah members from the masjid by dictate.

Until his type of official  dictatorial punishment is e eradicated, we cannot 
realize a  Model Islamic Community that can be emulated by the rest of the 
world.  Societies  based on Freedomn, Justice and Equality have already  
eradicated it . 

And He specifically warns us against  turning your back on your faith.

Then Allah describes the type of person who oppresses in this manner,and 
commandh His believer to "obey him not!"

  "Nay!  Indeed, man transgresses all bounds, considers himself to be 
self-sufficient, although, surely towards your Rabb is his return.  Have you 
seen the one who forbids Our servant from offering Salah (prayer)?  Have you 
considered, if he was on right guidance, or was enjoining true piety, why he 
would forbid someone from prayer?  Have you considered, if he denies the truth 
and turns away, what will happen?  Does he not know that Allah is observing all 
things?  Nay!  Let him know that if he does not stop, we will drag him by the 
forelock, a lying, sinful forelock.  So let him call his supporters for help, 
We too shall call the guards of hell to deal with him.  Nay!  Do not obey him!  
Prostrate yourself and bring yourself closer to your Rabb."

Likewise, Imam  Mohammed's Tasfir on this matter is consistent with these Suras:
    Imam W.D. Mohammed – Houston - 4/26/2003 
  “You don’t deny a person the provisions that G-d has ordered for them during 
your problem or in your conflict with one another.  Don’t deny them the 
provisions Allah (swt) has ordered for them.  Like praying, going to the 
Mosque, G-d ordered that for them no matter how much we are displeased with 
them, they’re still supposed to pray.  
  They’re still supposed to go to the Mosque, They’re supposed to go to Jummah, 
and they’re supposed to hear the khutbah, no matter how much you’re 
dissatisfied with them.  The old way is wrong.
  Somebody breaks a certain law or something, you put them out, they can’t have 
access to the Muslim life anymore, that's wrong.
  That's the way of the people who went astray in the time of the Jews, in the 
history of the Jews. They would banish someone from among them,  called 
banishment, put them out, they couldn't belong to  the society anymore, that's  
  If you have a problem with my behavior, I’m speaking for the person, whether 
the husband or the child, if you have a problem with my behavior, I'm still 
entitled to eat at the table.  G-d says we have to eat. He didn't say stop 
eating because you do wrong, they feed you even in the prison, feed you good 
sometimes too."

Prophet Muhammad said "Help the oppressed as well as the oppressor."  When he 
was asked how to help the oppressor, he said. "By stopping them from 

While you have voiced strong opinions toward those who are protesting 
oppression, I have not seen you voice any opinions what so ever to those who 

   preventing access to the path of Allah, 
   Ddenying the Commands of Allah., 
   preventing access to the Masjid
   and driving out members of the masjid.
If you have addressed them and their behavior in this regard, ,  then produce 
what you have said to them.
And tell us what other fourms you have turned your back on in protest of their 
oppression. or what other forums you have driven members out of.

Peace, Brother Curtis
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