Palestinian Politics After Annapolis



      The Palestinian situation has largely changed after after is 
difficult to understand why so much propaganda was launched in its favor.People 
in the world even could not understand why total silence now

      Al-Ahram columnist Sheikh Al-Naami writes, “the majority of columnists 
and opinion writers are now warning Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas against 
accepting American- Israeli proposals that will deepen rifts in Palestine's 
body politic. Writers and members of the elite connected to the PA who 
previously defended the attendance of the leadership at the meeting with 
enthusiasm now express embarrassment over Israel's interpretation of what was 
agreed in Annapolis. Statements such as that made by the Israel premier Ehud 
Olmert that the end of 2008 is not an obligatory date for Israel to complete 
negotiations with the PA, or by Olmert's deputy, Avigdor Lieberman, who said 
even the end of 2008 may not be an appropriate date for ending the conflict, 
have undermined Abbas's credibility and ruined his attempts to frame the 
Annapolis meeting as a Palestinian success.””Meanwhile, the suffering of 
Palestinians in the West Bank, where the Fayyad government is in charge, 
continues unabated. Assassinations, arrests, restrictions on movement and 
settler attacks against Palestinians continue at pre-Annapolis levels. More 
damaging to Abbas's credibility is that Israel's interpretation of what took 
place at Annapolis has not stopped his security forces from continuing the 
policy of "complementary" work, joining the Israeli army to quash resistance in 
the West Bank, particularly by Hamas.”

      We agree with the columnist Sheikh Al- Naami.Annapolis has harmed the 
Palestinian cause.However it is possible that the frustration generated by this 
conference may re-unite the Palestinians for achievement of all teir 
rights.Mahmoud Abbas should see the sign and amend, otherwise his end will be 
that of a total failure .








      Widening Palestinian divisions was always one of the goals of Tel Aviv 
and Washington at Annapolis. Ironically, Israel's selective reading of the 
meeting's joint declaration of intentions may yet prompt Palestinians to heal 
these rifts. (see p.6)

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