*The Senate is set to:

* *1. Disavow the will of the people. 2. Ignore the Constitution.
3. Promote fear over common sense.
4. Put its own political gain over our rights and liberties.

The Senate is set to do all this starting tomorrow, unless we stop this
ill-advised plan today.
Call your senators

As soon as tomorrow, the Senate will begin to debate legislation that would
give the president greatly expanded powers to spy on Americans. There isn't
a moment to lose. Call

Even though the Senate Judiciary Committee passed legislation that provides
greater protections for privacy and doesn't give amnesty to
telecommunications companies, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has decided
to move the bad Senate Intelligence Committee bill. This is not good news
for those of us who respect freedom, the rule of law and the Constitution.

Tell your senators and Senator Reid to vote against this awful
This Intelligence Committee bill, negotiated closely between the Bush
administration and Senator Rockefeller, contains retroactive immunity for
the phone companies that illegally turned over private phone and email
records to the government and completely eliminates warrants and court
review of government spying.
Instead of capitulating to the White House, senators should be listening to
you. Recent polls show that 61% of American voters believe the government
should have to get a warrant from a court before wiretapping the overseas
conversations of U.S. citizens. And 59% of American voters reject amnesty
for phone companies that may have violated the law.
Sadly, Senator Reid is asking senators to decide where they stand on spying
after a *secret* meeting taking place today with Attorney General Mukasey
and Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell, *a day before voting
is scheduled to take place*. Director McConnell played a central role in
negotiations around the Protect America Act and, acting on behalf of the
White House, used questionable tactics and misinformation to convince
members to eviscerate the Fourth Amendment.

Because this meeting is secret, we obviously don't know what's going on
behind closed doors. But if history is any guide, this meeting could be used
to provide misleading information about the current threats facing America
to scare your senators into continuing the Bush Administration's secret
spying free-for-all.
There isn't a moment to lose. Call
We each need to do our part. Senator Reid needs to lead. All of our senators
need to vote against the Intelligence Committee bill, anything resembling
the Protect America Act or any bill that grants immunity to
telecommunications companies that have broken the law over the past six
years. We are also asking senators to join the filibuster of any bill with
telecom immunity.
Your call today could mean the difference between our continued freedom as
Americans and a secret government operation with no accountability.  Please
join us now in fighting this bad bill, which goes against our democratic
values. <http://action.aclu.org/site/R?i=4AftyxSj3b9gONQ5A911LQ..>
Your continued actions and support have carried us this far; we cannot give
up now. Don't let history repeat itself. Make the
tell your friends and family and continue to carry the torch of liberty. Our
country is counting on you.


[image: Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU]
Caroline Fredrickson, Director
ACLU Washington Legislative Office


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