A Brief Introduction to Hadîth
by Moulana Abdullah Dhabelia

                Introduction   The prime sources of the religion of Islam are 
the Qur'ân and the Hadîth. The Qur'ân is the word of Allâh. Rasûlullâh 
Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam did not have any link with its composition. It was 
revealed to him as it is now read. Whilst the Qur'ân provides the Muslim Ummah 
with the primary rules for an Islamic code of life, there are many matters 
where further guidance is necessary, about which the Qur'ân is silent. For 
instance, the Qur'ân orders Muslims to "establish salât" but does not provide 
the details for its methods nor its specific timings. These details are found 
in the Hadîth. Thus the sunnah of Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam 
constitutes an important source of the shariah, second in authority after the 
        Obedience of Rasulullah Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam   The Qur'ân 
repeatedly stresses on the obedience of Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam 
to such an extent that it is mentioned side by side with the obedience of Allâh 
  Allâh Ta`âlâ says: "And obey Allâh and the messenger so that you may be 
blessed." (3:132)
  "O those who believe, obey Allâh and obey the messenger and render not your 
actions in vain." (47:33)
  Likewise, Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam also emphasized the 
importance of his Sunnah. During the sermon of the farewell pilgrimage 
(Hajjatul Wadâ), Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam is reported to have said:
  "I leave behind two things, if you hold fast unto them, you shall never go 
astray: the Book of Allâh and my Sunnah". (Sahih Bukhari)
  Therefore just as one has to believe in and practise upon what is mentioned 
in the Qur'ân, similarly it is imperative to uphold the sunnah of Rasûlullâh  
Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam and practise upon it.
        Preservation of Hadith   The Qur'ân as well as the Hadîth are necessary 
for the total and complete guidance of all mankind from the era of Rasûlullâh 
Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam till the day of Judgement. This necessitates that 
the Qur'ân and Hadîth be preserved in their pristine purity as an available 
source of guidance in every age and time. It is against the divine wisdom of 
Allâh Ta`âlâ that he commands people to follow the Qur'ân and the teachings of 
Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam when they are not available free from all 
alterations and changes. This fact is sufficient to establish that the Qur'ân 
and the Sunnah of Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam which is necessary for 
achieving divine guidance, shall as a whole, remain available and untainted in 
a reliable manner forever. The preservation of the Qur'ân has been clearly 
guaranteed by Allâh Ta`âlâ. 
  Says Allâh Ta`âlâ: "Indeed We have revealed the zikr (i.e. the Qur'ân) and 
surely We will preserve it." (15:9)
  Hereunder follows a brief account of how the Ahâdîth were preserved from the 
era of Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam till it reached us.

        Memorization   Firstly the companions of Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi 
wasallam i.e. the Sahâba used to learn Ahâdîth by heart. The Arabs had very 
strong memories. They could easily memorize hundreds of verses of poetry. The 
Sahâba Radiallâhu `anhum utilised their memories for preserving the Ahâdîth 
which they deemed to be the main source of guidance after the Qur'ân.
  Abu Hurairah Radiallâhu `anhu, the famous companion of Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu 
alaihi wasallam who has reported approximately 5374 Ahâdîth says: "I have 
divided my night into three parts. In one third of the night, I perform salâh, 
in one third I sleep and in one third I memorize the Ahâdîth of Rasûlullâh 
Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam.
        Discussion   The second source of preservation of Ahâdîth was by mutual 
discussions held by the Sahâba Radiallâhu `anhum. The Sahâba would tell each 
other what they learnt from Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam. Rasûlullâh 
Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam also motivated the Sahâba to study the Ahâdîth in 
their gatherings and meetings. It was the most favourite hobby of the Sahâba 
Radiallâhu `anhum, whenever they sat together, to discuss Rasûlullâh’s 
Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam sayings and actions instead of being involved in 
useless talks. Each of them would mention what he knew while the others would 
listen and try to learn it by heart.

        Practice   The knowledge of Sunnah was not merely a theoretical 
knowledge but rather something related to practical life. Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu 
alaihi wasallam did not confine himself to giving lessons and sermons only. He 
also trained his Sahâba practically. Whatever they learnt, they spared no 
effort to bring it into practice. Each Sahâbi had great fervour to follow 
Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam and imitate him even in his personal 

         Writing   Many Sahâba used to write what they heard from Rasûlullâh 
Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam. In the beginning, Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi 
wasallam had prevented some of the Sahâba from writing anything other than the 
verses of the Qur'ân. This was because it was feared that the Qur'ânic verses 
would be confused with the Ahâdîth. However, all this was in the earlier period 
of Islam. When the Sahâba became fully conversant with the style of the Qur'ân, 
that prohibition was lifted, because the danger of confusion between the Qur'ân 
and Hadîth no longer existed. Thereafter Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam 
himself instructed the Sahâba Radiallâhu `anhum to write the Ahâdîth.
  Anas ( Ra iallâhu `anhu) reports that Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam 
said: "Preserve knowledge by writing". (Jamiu bayânil Ilm of Ibn Abdul Barr)
  Many Ahâdîth were dictated by Rasûlullâh Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam. 
Similarly, many Sahâba possessed various scripts of Ahâdîth which they wrote 
themselves. Amongst them are Abu Hurairah, Abdullah bin Amr, Anas bin Malik, 
Jâbir, Ibn Abbas Radiallâhu `anhum.
  Threafter the Tabi`în (successors of the Sahâba) learnt the Ahâdîth from the 
Sahâba and also preserved them by writing. The compilation of Ahâdîth was 
undertaken officially by the famous Khalifa Umar bin Abdul Aziz, during the 
period 99-101AH. One of the books written in the days of the Tabi`în was the 
script of Hammam Ibn Munabbih, a student of Abu Hurairah ( Ra iallâhu `anhu). 
In 1373 A.H. (i.e. 1954) two manuscripts of this book were discovered in the 
libraries of Berlin and Damascus. Like this, in every century, the scholars of 
Islam compiled books of Hadîth and thus today we can benefit from the treasure 
of Ahâdîth through the grace of Allâh Ta`âlâ, the untiring efforts of the 
Sahâba Radiallâhu `anhum and the scholars of Islam in the field of preserving 
Hadîth. Hence, the divine wisdom of Allâh Ta’ala manifests itself and till the 
day of Qiyamah, the Qur'ân and Hadîth will be preserved in their pristine 
purity as an available source of guidance for mankind (Insha
 Allâh). Pluck its fruits and gain salvation in both the worlds.
         Further Reading   (English Titles)
  1. The Authority of the Sunnah  by Mufti Taqi Uthmani
  2. Imam Tirmidhi by Moulana Abdul Qâdir Husain
  3. Mishkât Al-Masabeeh by Moulana Yunus Osman
  4. An Introduction to Hadîth by Prof. Abdur Rahmân Doi

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