Is this question koshar?
“Imagine a world without Islam?”

Islam is only an ‘Arabic’ word for all laws natural and operating according to 
the fixed systems of nature. Therefore the question with or without is 
illogical and ‘religious’.
In the sphere of human activity, the outcomes of those activities are fixed and 
therefore the good or bad results can only be attributed to mankind’s actions 
as he/she is intellectually free to act. 
Birds (not all) are made to fly and humans are not, but with the ‘knowledge’ 
and freedom to apply that knowledge (as Wright brothers did) human can fly, 
even faster than the fastest bird—except in religion, not as fast as the 
Burraaq of the ancient lore. Nothing beats religious fancies! 
The question should be 'imagine a world without Human values (and standards)?

----- Original Message ----
To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World <>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 11:40:33 AM
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Imagine a world without Islam!

Abdus-Sattar Ghazali <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 15:12:36 -0800
From: "Abdus-Sattar Ghazali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
To: asghazali <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Subject: Imagine a world without Islam!

Imagine a world without Islam!
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
Take away Islam, and the world would still be left with the main forces that 
drive today's conflicts, including colonialism, cross-national ideologies, 
ethnic conflicts and terrorism, says Graham Fuller, a former Vice-Chairman of 
the National Intelligence Council at the CIA in charge of long-range strategic 
forecasting and currently a professor of history at Simon Fraser University in 
Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).
In his article entitled A World Without Islam, published in Foreign Policy, 
Fuller believes that given our intense current focus on terrorism, war, and 
rampant anti-Americanism it's vital to understand the true sources of these 
crises. He poses a question, is Islam the source of the problem or does it tend 
to lie with other less obvious and deeper factors? 
Fuller presents his thoughts on Islam in an extended game of "what if." What if 
Islam had never arisen in the Middle East? What if there had never been a 
Prophet Mohammed, no saga of the spread of Islam across vast parts of the 
Middle East, Asia, and Africa? Would there still be violent clashes between the 
West and that part of the world? Would the Middle East be more peaceful? How 
different might the character of East-West relations be?  
Fuller ponders a litany of history's major battles and events to drive home his 
message that while Islam might be a convenient culprit, but global strife, past 
and present, can't be blamed on any one religion. Europeans would still have 
wanted the spoils of the Middle East and launched the Crusades albeit under a 
different banner. "After all, what were the Crusades if not a Western adventure 
driven primarily by political, social, and economic needs? The banner of 
Christianity was little more than a potent symbol, a rallying cry to bless the 
more secular urges of powerful Europeans. In fact, the particular religion of 
the natives never figured highly in the West's imperial push across the globe. 
Europe may have spoken upliftingly about bringing "Christian values to the 
natives," but the patent goal was to establish colonial outposts as sources of 
wealth for the metropole and bases for Western power projection."  
And so it's unlikely that Christian inhabitants of the Middle East would have 
welcomed the stream of European fleets and their merchants backed by Western 
guns, he says adding that Imperialism would have prospered in the region's 
complex ethnic mosaic--the raw materials for the old game of divide and rule. 
And Europeans still would have installed the same pliable local rulers to 
accommodate their needs. We doublespeak about promoting democracy in the Middle 
East as we back autocratic, despotic and undemocratic client regimes there.
On the U.S. occupation of Iraq, he says that it would not have been welcome by 
Iraqis even if they were Christian. Fuller points out that the United States 
did not overthrow Saddam Hussein, an intensely nationalist and secular leader, 
because he was Muslim and other Arab peoples would still have supported the 
Iraqi Arabs in their trauma of occupation.  "Nowhere do people welcome foreign 
occupation and the killing of their citizens at the hands of foreign troops. 
Indeed, groups threatened by such outside forces invariably cast about for 
appropriate ideologies to justify and glorify their resistance struggle. 
Religion is one such ideology." 
The West still would have tried various ways to get control of oil-rich areas, 
according to Fuller. But Middle Eastern Christians would not have welcomed 
imperial Western oil companies, backed by their European vice-regents, 
diplomats, intelligence agents, and armies, any more than Muslims did. Look at 
the long history of Latin American reactions to American domination of their 
oil, economics, and politics. The Middle East would have been equally keen to 
create nationalist anti-colonial movements to wrest control of their own soil, 
markets, sovereignty, and destiny from foreign grip--just like anti-colonial 
struggles in Hindu India, Confucian China, Buddhist Vietnam, and a Christian 
and animist Africa. 
On the current Israeli-Palestinian problem, Fuller believes that Jews would 
have still sought a homeland outside Europe and the Zionist movement would 
still have emerged and sought a base in Palestine even if the Middle East was 
Christian. Why, because, he explains, it was Christians who shamelessly 
persecuted Jews for more than a millennium, culminating in the Holocaust. These 
horrific examples of anti-Semitism were firmly rooted in Western Christian 
lands and culture, he says. "And the new Jewish state would still have 
dislodged the same 750,000 Arab natives of Palestine from their lands even if 
they had been Christian--and indeed some of them were. Would not these Arab 
Palestinians have fought to protect or regain their own land?" 
The Israeli-Palestinian problem remains at heart a national, ethnic, and 
territorial conflict, only recently bolstered by religious slogans, Fuller said 
adding that we should not forget that Arab Christians played a major role in 
the early emergence of the whole Arab nationalist movement in the Middle East. 
He recalls that the ideological founder of the first pan-Arab Baath party, 
Michel Aflaq, was a Sorbonne-educated Syrian Christian.  
On blaming Islam for current violence and terrorism, Fuller echoes Robert 
Pape's argument about the strategic, social and personal motivations work 
together to encourage suicide terrorism. Pape, in his book Dying to Win : The 
Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism , argues that nationalism and religious 
difference between the rebels and a dominant democratic state are the main 
conditions under which the "alien" occupation of a community's homeland is 
likely to lead to a campaign of suicide terrorism. He finds that religion plays 
a smaller part than thought. 
Fuller reminds that the West's memories are short when it focuses on terrorism 
in the name of Islam. He recalls: "Jewish guerrillas used terrorism against the 
British in Palestine. Sri Lankan Hindu Tamil "Tigers" invented the art of the 
suicide vest and for more than a decade led the world in the use of suicide 
bombings--including the assassination of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. 
Greek terrorists carried out assassination operations against U.S. officials in 
Athens . Organized Sikh terrorism killed Indira Gandhi, spread havoc in India, 
established an overseas base in Canada , and brought down an Air India flight 
over the Atlantic. Macedonian terrorists were widely feared all across the 
Balkans on the eve of World War I. Dozens of major assassinations in the late 
19th and early 20th centuries were carried out by European and American 
"anarchists, " sowing collective fear. The Irish Republican Army employed 
brutally effective terrorism against the
 British for decades, as did communist guerrillas and terrorists in Vietnam 
against Americans, communist Malayans against British soldiers in the 1950s, 
Mau-Mau terrorists against British officers in Kenya --the list goes on. It 
doesn't take a Muslim to commit terrorism."  
Fuller points out that even the recent history of terrorist activity doesn't 
look much different. "According to Europol, 498 terrorist attacks took place in 
the European Union in 2006. Of these, 424 were perpetrated by separatist 
groups, 55 by left-wing extremists, and 18 by various other terrorists. Only 1 
was carried out by Islamists."
Fuller makes a compelling argument that conflict between East and West remains 
all about the grand historical and geopolitical issues of human history: 
ethnicity, nationalism, ambition, greed, resources, local leaders, turf, 
financial gain, power, interventions, and hatred of outsiders, invaders, and 
imperialists. Faced with timeless issues like these, how could the power of 
religion not be invoked, he asked.  
He also reminds us that virtually every one of the principle horrors of the 
20th century came almost exclusively from strictly secular regimes: Leopold II 
of Belgium in the Congo, Hitler, Mussolini, Lenin and Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. 
It was Europeans who visited their "world wars" twice upon the rest of the 
world—two devastating global conflicts with no remote parallels in Islamic 
Some today might wish for a "world without Islam" in which these problems 
presumably had never come to be. But, in truth, the conflicts, rivalries, and 
crises of such a world might not look so vastly different than the ones we know 
today, Fuller concludes.  
In short, Fuller has done a great job in spelling out the real root of the 
contemporary problems which lie in imperialism/ colonialism, more than 
religion, although certainly religion is a part. His paradigm repudiates 
uninformed and biased pundits and neoconservatives who condemn Islam as the 
root of all conflict and see "Islamofascism" the sworn foe of the West in a 
looming "World War III."
Abdus Sattar Ghazali is the Executive Editor of the online magazine American 
Muslim Perspective: www.amperspective. com  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] com


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