Is Dubai helping ethnic cleansing in Palestine?
      [ 20/04/2008 - 10:47 PM ]

      From Khalid Amayreh in occupied Jerusalem

      The government of Dubai recently allowed a major bankroller of Jewish 
settlement expansion in the West Bank to open at least two Jewelry stores in 
the Gulf emirate.

      According to reliable sources in the United Arab Emirates, of which Dubai 
is a key member-state, Israeli billionaire and diamond magnate Lev Leviev is 
preparing to open two large jewelry stores in Dubai, a world's hub of Jewelry 

      The first store will be opened soon at the Burj Dubai Mall (Dubai Mall 
Tower) while a second store is slated to be opened later this year in the new 
Atlantis Hotel on the Jumeirah Palm Island.

      Leviev has already opened one store in Dubai in March, 2008,  in the 
lobby of al-Qasr Hotel on Madinat Jumeirah.

      The Dubai authorities were initially reluctant to grant the Israeli 
billionaire a license to do business in the oil-rich emirate. However, Leviev 
reportedly successfully  lobbied  "North American and European connections" to 
convince Dubai officials to reconsider their objections.

      Leviev's companies, including Africa-Israel and Leader Management & 
Development as well as several other subsidiaries, have been quite active in 
displacing Palestinian villagers from their homes and land in several parts of 
the West Bank.

      The two firms have built hundreds of settler units in at least five 
Jewish settlements constructed on land illegally seized from its Arab 

      In recent years, a  company called  Danya Cebus, a subsidiary of Leviev's 
Africa-Israel built the settlement of Zufim on private Arab land seized from 
the village of Jayyous. The same company  has built hundreds of settler units 
on land stolen from the village of Bilin. Numerous additional settler units 
were built in the two large settlements of Ma'ali Adomim, a few kilometers east 
of Jerusalem, and Har Homa, near the predominantly Christian Arab town of Beit 

      Israel hopes that these settlements will cut off East Jerusalem from the 
rest West Bank, thus making the Palestinian dream of making the city the future 
capital of a prospective Palestinian state utterly unrealistic and outright 

      In addition to his intensive involvement in Jewish settlement expansion, 
including colonies defined by the inherently unjust Israeli justice system as 
"manifestly illegal," Leviev has donated undisclosed but reportedly large sums 
of money to the Land Redemption Fund, a land-grabbing organization affiliated 
with Gush Emunim, the ideological group behind Jewish settlement activities in 
the West Bank.

      According to the Israeli newspaper, Yedeot Ahronot, the Land Redemption 
Fund uses fraud and strong-arm tactics to seize land from Palestinians for 
settlement expansion.

      Last year the Israeli group, Peace Now, and other settlement-watch 
groups, discovered that hundreds of settler units built in the settlement of 
Matityahu in the Salfit region, in the central West Bank, were actually built 
on private Palestinian land seized at gun point from its legal and rightful 
Palestinian owners.

      However, despite the discovery, the Israeli government refused to 
dismantle the illegal settler units, with one Israeli official saying that 
"this problem will be discussed with the Palestinian Authority in the context 
of final-status talks."

      Leviev's companies are actually destroying the lives of  thousands of 
Palestinians by narrowing their horizons and dispossessing them of their 

      Abdullah Abu Rahma from the village of Bilin and Sharif Omar from Jayyous 
told representative of the human rights group Adala (, which 
monitors Israeli theft Palestinian land, that "Leviev's companies are 
destroying the olive groves and farms that have sustained our villages for 

      "We call on people of conscience all over the world to impose broad 
boycotts and implement divestment initiatives against Israel similar to those 
applied against apartheid South Africa."

      The mayor of Jayous, which suffered incalculable losses due to Leviev's 
destructive rampage in the northern West Bank, told this reporter that "Leveiv 
is indulging in ethnic cleansing against our community and our farmers."

      "He is building settlements at our expense; he is destroying our land, 
our farms, and our orchards, and at the same time he is opening business in 
Dubai in order to finance his crimes against our people. Shame on Dubai and its 

      Some Jewish organizations opposed to the Israeli policy of ethnic 
cleansing and apartheid have also called on the countries of the world to 
boycott Israeli businesses and firms involved in disposing Palestinians of 
their land.

      "We call on the government and people of the United Arab Emirates to join 
the growing international campaign to boycott Lev Leviev's companies due to 
their construction of Israeli colonial settlements," declared Daniel 
Lang-Levitsky of Jews Against the Occupation-NYC.

      "A major Israeli violator of Palestinian rights and international law 
should not be opening jewelry stores in Dubai," said Issa Ayoub, a spokesperson 
for the Adala group. Adala organized eight boycott protests outside Leviev's 
new Madison Avenue Jewelry store  in New York City over the last five months.

      The Palestinian Authority has refused to comment on the Dubai government 
decision to allow the settler bankroller Leviev's to open  business ventures in 
the oil-rich emirate.

      One Palestinian official contacted by telephone said "I don't know 
anything about this affair and I have not heard of Leviev."

      A Hamas official in the Gaza Strip said "the Palestinian people were 
feeling embittered and betrayed by this scandalous behavior on the part of the 
Dubai government."

      "We were hoping that Dubai would stand with us against the genocidal 
Israeli regime and its unrelenting efforts to ethnically cleanse our people 
from their ancestral homeland. We had never imagined that a day would come when 
we had to appeal to an Arab country to refrain from harming us and undermining 
our cause."



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