How Arabs have been driven out of Hebron
By Mario Vargas Llosa.

Hebron is the image of desolation and pain. I'm talking of the H-2 sector, the 
oldest part of this ancient city, which is under Israeli military control and 
where some 500 colonos – settlers – live in four settlements. It is one of the 
holiest places of Judaism and Islam, the Tomb of the Patriarchs, where in 
February 1994, the settler Baruch Goldstein machine-gunned Muslims at prayer, 
killing 29 and wounding dozens.
To protect these settlers, the zone bristles with barriers, camps and military 
posts, and is overrun by Israeli patrols. But such mobilisation will soon be 
unnecessary because this part of Hebron, subject to ethnic and religious 
cleansing, will soon have no Arab residents.
Its centuries-old market, which was once as multi-coloured, varied and bustling 
as that of Jerusalem, is now empty and the doors of all the shops are sealed. 
Travelling around, you feel in limbo. So too when you walk through the 
surrounding deserted streets, with shopfronts shuttered with metal sheets and 
on whose roofs you glimpse military posts. The walls of this entire semi-empty 
neighbourhood are filled with racist inscriptions: "Death to the Arabs".
Some 25,000 residents have been cleared from their homes in H-2 zone in five 
years. In the Tel Rumeida neighbourhood alone, where there is a settlement of 
the same name, barely 50 out of 500 Arab families remain.
The extraordinary thing is that they haven't already gone, subjected as they 
are to systematic and ferocious harassment by settlers, who stone them, throw 
rubbish and excrement at their houses, invade and destroy their homes, and 
attack their children when they return from school, to the absolute 
indifference of Israeli soldiers who witness these atrocities.
No one told me this: I saw it with my own eyes and heard with my own ears from 
the victims themselves. I have a video of the hair-raising scene of children 
from Tel Rumeida settlement stoning and kicking Arab schoolchildren and their 
teachers who, to protect themselves, returned home in groups instead of 
individually. When I told Israeli friends this, some looked at me with 
incredulity and I saw they suspected I exaggerated or lied, as novelists often 
do. It turned out that none had ever set foot in Hebron.
Translated by Elizabeth Nash. This is an edited extract of an article that 
appeared in El Pais
Published: The Independent, Saturday, 19 April 2008

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