Ahmedabad Blasts : Very Bad Signal

Agence France-Presse . has written from Ahmadabad that  Indian leaders appealed 
for calm Sunday as the army was called out after a wave of bombings killed 45 
people in Ahmedabad, a city rocked by deadly Hindu-Muslim riots six years 
ago.The string of 16 bombings, which left more than 160 people injured, ripped 
through crowded places in the tinderbox western city — markets, buses and then 
hospitals struggling to treat the scores of victims.They came just one day 
after another wave of nine bombings in the southern high-tech capital of 
Bangalore left one dead and several injured — prompting the government to put 
the entire country on high alert. Indian television channels said a 
little-known Islamist group calling itself the ‘Indian Mujahedeen’ had claimed 
responsibility for the attacks.  Bomb squads defused at least three unexploded 
devices in Ahmedabad on Sunday, Indian news channels reported, and police said 
they had also found a car laden with explosives in the diamond-polishing city 
of Surat.  Ahmedabad was calm Sunday, with police, soldiers and paramilitary 
forces fanning out across the city, which is the commercial capital of Gujarat 
state. Joint police commissioner Ashish Bhatia told AFP a number of people had 
been detained after raids, but said no formal arrests had yet been made.
   President Pratibha Patil expressed her ‘grief and sorrow’ and also ‘appealed 
to the people of Ahmedabad to maintain peace and harmony.’ Prime minister 
Manmohan Singh also appealed for calm.The group which sent the email claim 
minutes before the actual explosions in Ahmedabad also warned of repeat attacks 
elsewhere in India, prompting major security alerts in major cities including 
the capital New Delhi.
   ‘We have deployed an additional 3,000 personnel in the city to ensure 
foolproof   Pakistan denies backing Muslim militants, including those operating 
in the disputed Himalayan state of Kashmir. Earlier in the week India said the 
two countries’ peace process was ‘under stress,’ repeating allegations that 
‘elements’ in Islamabad were behind an upsurge in militant activities, 
including this month’s suicide attack against its Kabul embassy.

We are also grieved at the loss of life.The scourge of terrorism of all types 
must be eliminated from all places and countries.This is indeed the most 
serious threat to social peace within each country and also threat to 
international peace. E-mail, as all intelligence authoritied know , may be a 
diversionary tactics but it is clear that a very organized group has done 
it.All countries should help India in finding the terrorists and fighting this 
terror .There should not be any blaming of others as is done nowadays rather 
the objective should be to unearth the evil-doers and punish them.

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