Aitezaz, Asma & a RAW-linked Forum

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 March 27, 2008 | Author : Hassaan Karim

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Aitezaz, Asma & a RAW-linked Forum
Friday, 28 March 2008.
Pakistan—The newspapers of Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2008, in Pakistan carried
a report wherein the Chief Justice of  U.K. and Wales criticized
President Pervez Musharraf while addressing the ‘Indo-British Legal
Forum’ in New Delhi. He appreciated the lawyers’ movement in Pakistan in so 
many words.

Those who live in U.K. know that this forum is a creation of the Indian 
intelligence agency RAW and this event in New Delhi
was funded and organized by RAW. All expenses for the travel of the
British delegation headed was borne by the Forum. Such forums have been
formed in the United States and Canada too. All these forums are funded by RAW.

British delegation included Lady Justice Arden of the Court of Appeals
and Sir Suma Chakarabarti, the permanent secretary in the British
Ministry of Justice. This Indian Hindu member has very close relations
with Aitzaz Ahsan and is used by RAW to arrange such visits.

Our mole has informed that Asma Jehangir [Read her rebuttal email to an earlier 
story here] in her recent visit to India
had finalized the details of this activity of this forum and also met
people of the Indian legal fraternity. She has received instructions
and funds to facilitate and coordinate Indian Legal Forums in other
countries. RAW will provide all the funding.

Even now, if anybody has any doubt that there is no Indian connection in this 
so called lawyers’ movement in Pakistan,
he or she is living in a fool's paradise. Aitzaz Ahsan is an Indian
stooge who is befooling our Pakistani lawyer brothers. But Allah
Almighty will save Pakistan from the anti-Pakistan agents. Insha Allah.

Wake Up all you soldiers of Pakistan everywhere.
Mr. Karim is a Pakistani commentator. The article reflects his personal 
opinion. He can be contacted at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
© Copyrighted Material. Click here for republication.
Aitezaz Ahsan, Stop Lying, Please
Aitezaz, Asma, Who Is Sushil Trivedi? And Ashok?
When Aitezaz Ahsan Spoke Against Pakistan
When Will Mr. Aitzaz Ahsan Tell The Truth?
Can A Democrat Like Mr. Aitzaz Ahsan Answer These Questions

 CommentsPlease email us to report offensive comments

All comments are in descending order, latest on top.

 Mr.Ujoo, the topic is about Itezaz & Asma and not Musharraf.
If you have no decency to condemn the activities of the two Indian
agents, don't change the topic. Mr. Ahmed Quraishi, if what the article
says is correct, Aitezaz & Asma are guilty of high treason. So why
are we discussiing it on internet? Why are they not taken to task? Is
there no patriotic Pakistani leader in the Govt to take them to court?
Is there no judge taking "suo moto" notice, or whatver they call it and
try them. A simple Pakistani like me can't understand any of this---can
someone please explain it all to me.

 Posted By:

Muhammad Zubair
| March 29, 2008  01:32:17 PM


Musharraf's best course now is to step down gracefully beofre being
kicked out of Pakistan. His fathers Bouchers and Negraponte are here to
save his skin unfortunately as usual. But I think when the free
JUDICIARY WILL BE RESTORED he willno be be there on the scene. I have
no love for Nawaz Sharif and Zardari and co but Chief Justice has
created history by standing up to the dictator. The lawyers movement,
the civil society mov and the media are a strong vigil and check on the
corruption of the politicians. No cuntry can survive without strong
institutions like Judiciary. We as a nation have to invest in a system
rather than one arrogant, impulsive man.

 Posted By:

| March 27, 2008  07:21:46 PM





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