"What is the status of women in Christianity and Islam? How do the Bible view 
women? How do the Qur'an view women? Are women really oppressed in Islam?

Today people think that women are liberated in the west and that the women's 
liberation movement began in the 20th Century. Actually the women's liberation 
movement was revealed by God to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the 
seventh century. The Qur'an and the Traditions of the Prophet (Hadith and 
Sunna) guarantee every Muslim woman certain rights and duties. This debate 
demonstrates the superiority of Islam over Christianity regarding the status 
and treatment of women. It is the right of every Muslim to explain and commend 
the position of women in Islam."

The Topic of Debate: The Treatment of Women in Christianity and Islam

By Muslim side: Dr. Jamal Badawi and Sister Aysha Bey
Christian side: Dr. Lois Livezey and Dr. Jean Hughes


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