A letter from Bassam Aramin and two other relevant items at end:
Journalist Mohammed Omer writing in the Nation about his ordeal at Israeli 
hands and notes on why oil prices got so high. "

Assay the powers within you.. our doubts make traitors of us all" Shakespear


>From One Bereaved Palestinian Father to Another

An open letter by Bassam Aramin, co-founder of Combatants for Peace

Translated from the Arabic by Miriam Asnes

Dear Hisam, father of Ahmed, may he rest in peace,

learned of the death of your son, Ahmed Musa, through a one-sentence
newsflash on the Palestinian news station Ma’an last Tuesday: “Ahmed
Musa, a young boy, was killed by a bullet of the occupying forces in
Nil’in.”  I was immediately overcome with shock and grief and bitter
tears.  And above all, that relentless feeling of powerlessness that I
know too well. We Palestinians cannot protect our children from being
killed.  Not because they are soldiers on the battlefield, but because
we cannot imprison them in our homes.  They must live their lives, play
outside the house, go to school.  We tell ourselves that there must be
in our land a safe place to protect our little ones.  Should not our
villages be safe?  Should not the courtyards of our homes be safe?  And
the safest place of all—should this not be the schoolyard? 

our children are still murdered in cold blood in front of our homes, in
the heart of our villages and in our schools.  For on another black
Tuesday a year and a half ago, soldiers of the occupation killed my own
beloved ten-year-old daughter.  Abir Aramin was shot in the head in
front of her school in the village of Anata on January 16th, 2007. 
Ahmed and Abir passed on the same day of the week, at the same age;
both were shot in the head by the same kind of killer: one of the
Israeli border patrol guards.

The moment I heard the news of
your son’s death, I found myself speaking aloud to him. “Ya Ahmed,
please give my regards and my love to Abir.  Your two pure souls will
meet in paradise.  Go in peace, beloved, do not fear for you are not
alone—there are others there waiting for you.  Ready to greet you are
more than a thousand Palestinian children who have been killed since
the year 2000. And though I hope with all my heart, Ahmed, that you
will be the last victim of these legitimized Israeli war crimes, I
cannot help but wonder—who will be killed next?” 

Palestinian parents—are we not fully responsible for what happens to
our children? For why do we allow our children to go out into the
streets in the light of day?  Why do we permit them play outside the
house?  Why do we not only let them, but actually encourage them to go
to school and be educated?  And even more importantly, I place the
blame our martyred children—how dare you let your heads get in the way
of the Israeli sharpshooters?  Let’s try to be reasonable: the soldiers
of the occupation don’t really want to kill our children, it can’t be a
deliberate policy of intimidation and violence—they are simply trying
to help us keep our children in a safe place.  And clearly they believe
that the safest place for our children to be, where no one can harm
them, is in their graves.

When I heard what happened to Ahmed, I
was in the middle of reading a book about international human rights
and the specific laws pertaining to children in times of war and armed
struggle.  Every Palestinian should read these laws until he knows his
rights, and every Israeli should read these same laws until he
understands the enormity of the criminal and fascist practices of the
Israeli army against the Palestinian people.

Major General Gabi
Ashkenazi, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Occupation Forces, has said
that “My greatest fear is the loss of humanity [among Israeli troops]
because of the ongoing warfare.”  I must inform the distinguished
General that he lost his humanity a long time ago. He and his army
should fear for their loss of humanity, for under his leadership the
Israeli army killed Ahmed Musa.  And if he doesn’t care about Ahmed
because he is a Palestinian, General Ashkenazi should at least be
afraid that his army has lost its humanity in its treatment of Israelis
as well.  We have all seen how Israeli soldiers treat their own people
who join us Palestinians in peaceful protest in Bil’in and Nil’in and
Artash and in the Galilee and in Tulkarem.  Did the General see when
soldiers fired rubber bullets at Dr. Tsfiyah Shapira and her son
Itamar, who were participating in a peaceful march in the village of
Shufa near Tulkarem alongside many peace activists?  I’m guessing that
he did witness this, in fact I would guess that General Ashkenazi
ordered this operation and the many others like it.  Look closely,
General, and you will find the source of your fear.

Hisam, Ahmed
and Abir have gone to the hereafter, and I promise you that in eternity
they will outlive their murderers.  Our children are the epitome of
innocent humanity, and their killers are the most despicable of
criminals.  But while such ruthless men exist as part of the occupying
army, please know that there are thousands of Israelis who refuse to
participate in these crimes, who are ashamed at the bloody stains that
soak the uniform of the Israeli army and all those who would call its
conduct moral or democratic.  There are Israelis like Tsfiya and Itamar
who feel it is their moral, and human, duty to stand with us.

have killed our children, Hisam.  What can we do but fight on?  We will
never lay down our arms.  For despite the advanced military technology
and deadly force that we face, it is we who posses the most dangerous
weapons of all.  These are the weapons of morality and justice.  We
will not surrender these in the face of brutality, and we will be
steadfast in demanding justice for our children.  Ahmed and Abir’s
murderers must be judged and sentenced as criminals.  Let me be clear:
we do not seek revenge.  Justice for our beloved, dead children will
not be served by the murder of a young Israeli girl in front of her
school, or by the murder of a young Israeli boy by a bullet to the
head.  We will refuse to mirror the violent means of the occupation. 
You and I, and every Palestinian, must let our morals and our humanity
and the teachings of our great faith be our guides.

Yours in bereavement and steadfastness,

Bassam Aramin

Alquds for Democracy and Dialogue chairman

022349888 0542383907


Truth and Consequences Under the Israeli Occupation By Mohammed Omer writing in 
the Nation

one point I fainted and then awakened to fingernails gouging at the
flesh beneath my eyes. An officer crushed my neck beneath his boot and
pressed my chest into the floor. Others took turns kicking and pinching
me, laughing all the while. They dragged me by my feet, sweeping my
head through my own vomit. I lost consciousness. I was told later that
they transferred me to a hospital only when they thought I might die."



The US military is the largest fuel burning entity in the world.  According to 
published data
the US army used 144 million barrels of fuel in 2004 with budgeted cost
of energy used by the army at 8.2 billion for that year. The U.S.
military consumes 10-11 million barrels of fuel each month to sustain
operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. At $140/barrel only
(unrefined) that is 1.4 billion monthly just on fuel.  All this
consumption and its impact on the demand is unmentioned by politicians
and media in the west (this is not counting all other federal agencies
use of fuels domestically - e.g. all the hundreds of thousands of SUVs
in the service of government bureacracies). Also the dollar keeps
coming down in value (so oil denominated in dollars is higher) because
of the debts incurred by the US war economy.  And you wonder why oil
prices are high?


Mazin Qumsiyeh





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