Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (may Allaah preserve him) said: 
People fall into four categories: 
The first categoryis those who are able to made ijtihad in absolute terms, by 
referring directly to the Qur’aan and Sunnah and deriving rulings from them, 
and they do not follow any other scholars (taqleed). 
This is the highest status, but this only applies to the one who fulfils the 
known conditions of ijtihaad, by having knowledge of the Book of Allaah and the 
Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), 
and by having knowledge of Arabic in which the Qur’aan was revealed, and by 
having knowledge of al-muhkam and al-mutashaabih (clear, unambiguous texts and 
ambiguous texts), al-naasikh wa’l-mansookh (texts which abrogate others and 
texts which are abrogated), al-mutlaq wa’l-muqayyad (texts with absolute 
meanings and texts with limited meanings), al-khaas wa’l-‘aam (texts with 
specific meanings and texts with general meanings).
He should also have knowledge of how to derive rulings, meaning that he should 
be qualified. Such a person may engage in ijtihaad. This category includes 
people like the four imams – Abu Haneefah, Maalik, al-Shaafa’i and Ahmad – as 
well as Sufyaan al-Thawri and al-Awzaa’i. To these people Allaah gave the 
ability to engage in ijtihaad.
The second categoryis those who cannot engage in ijtihaad in absolute terms, 
but they are able to weigh up the opinions of scholars and determine which is 
more correct, because of their knowledge of which opinions are based on 
evidence and which are not. 
Such a person must follow that for which there is evidence, and shun that which 
goes against the evidence. This action is called tarjeeh (weighing up what is 
more correct) and is also known as al-ijtihaad al-madhhabi (ijtihaad based on 
the study of different views). 
The third categoryis those who cannot engage in tarjeeh. Such a person is 
regarded as one of the muqallideen (those who follow other scholars), but if he 
knows that some opinion has no supporting evidence then he does not follow it. 
But so long as he does not know and it is not clear to him that it is contrary 
to the evidence, there is nothing wrong with him imitating and following the 
opinions of the trustworthy scholars. 
The fourth categoryis the one who is unable to do any of the above; neither 
ijtihaad in an absolute sense nor weighing what is more correct nor following a 
specific madhhab, such as the ordinary Muslim, for example. 
Such a person has to ask the people of knowledge, as Allaah says 
(interpretation of the meaning): “So ask of those who know the Scripture, if 
you know not” [al-Nahl 16:43]. So he should ask the one who be believes is most 
trustworthy and the scholar in whom he has the greatest confidence, of those 
whose knowledge and actions he trusts, and follow his fatwa. 
These are the categories of people with regard to this issue. 
What a person should do is know what level he is at, and he should not put 
himself in a higher position than he deserves. Indeed, the matter is more 
serious than that. He should fear Allaah, because it is the matter of halaal 
and haraam, of Paradiseand Hell, so he should not indulge in matters that he 
does not have the knowledge and skill to deal with. End quote.  
From; I’aanah al-Mustafeed bi Sharh Kitaab al-Tawheed.

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