The way of Cutting relations off from the mushrik and the murtad

Sabil an-Najat Wal-Fikak

The way of Cutting relations off from the mushrik and the murtad
Hamad b Atiq (d. 1301AH)

is the Al-Allamah, Hamad Ibn Ali Ibn Atiq, from the Ulama of Najd; born
in az-Zulafi in the year 1227 AH, and he was appointed by imam
Abdurrahman Ibn Hasan al ash-Shaykh as a qadhi of several cities (such
as al-Kharaj and al-Aflaj); he is an author of many beneficial works in
theology and fiqh, amongst them Ibtal at-Tandid Sharh Kitab at-Tawhid,
and Sabil an-Najat Wal-Fikak and many other treaties. He became one of
the most well known fuqaha. He had many known students and some notable
names amongst his students are, his son Sa’d, imam Abdullah Ibn
Abdullatif, Shaykh Sulayman Ibn Sahman, and Shaykh Hasan Ibn Abdullah
Ibn Hasan. He passed away in al-Aflaj in the year 1301, and left behind
ten sons, a number of whom also later became judges. 

Preface of Hamad Ibn Ali Ibn Atiq

praise to Allah (swt) who had sent-down His book as firm and rightly
quide to His slave Muhammad (saw). Allah (awj) made His book a
protector and hujjah for those who stick to His deen.

Salat and
salam be upon Muhammad (saw) whom Allah (jj) sent as a guide to
mankind, his ahl bayt and his ashab. They were those who made jihad
against the ahl kufr, while without having hesitation they explained
the truth, they tried to exalt the haq.

In my work I tried to
mention repeatedly the issue of alliance with the mushrik, I wanted
people around me to show enmity towards kuffar while obeying the
commands of Allah (swt). For this reason while expressing the issue
related ayah, even if it was little I benefited from the explanations
of some of the muhaqqiq (scholar) ahl of ilm and ahl of deen.

expect that whoever has iman that the Qur’an is the kalam of Allah; he
will perform things which are made fardh (obligatory) by Allah, once he
learns he will accept them and will run to obedience, while putting
effort to actualize whatever he learns, he will immediately obey the
following commands of Allah: 

“Follow (O men!) the revelation
given unto you from your Lord, and follow not, as friends or
protectors, other than Him. Little it is ye remember of admonition.”
(al-Araf 7/3)

“But no, by the Lord, they can have no (real)
Faith, until they make thee judge in all disputes between them, and
find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions, but accept
them with the fullest conviction.” (an-Nisa 4/65)

“…but if, as
is sure, there comes to you Guidance from Me, whosoever follows My
Guidance, will not lose his way, nor fall into misery. But whosoever
turns away from My Message, verily for him is a life narrowed down, and
We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment. He will say: ‘O my
Lord! why hast Thou raised me up blind, while I had sight (before)?’
(Allah) will say: ‘Thus didst Thou, when Our Signs came unto thee,
disregard them: so wilt thou, this day, be disregarded’.” (Ta-Ha

As it was before, in todays world some ignorant and
stubborn people, while denying the act of ‘showing friendship towards
Muslim and showing enmity towards kuffar’ which is made fard upon
Muslims by Allah; they perform such acts which are against it. These
people who attribute themselves to ahl-deen are divided into afew

Some among them even though they do not openly express
it, they find this deviation of the ahl of jahilliyyah to be good and
they are content with this situation. Some of them without seeing it to
be good, they excuse those who does this while accepting them as
ignorant. Although Allah made wajib upon Muslim to ‘show friendship
towards Muslim and to show enmity towards the kuffar’ in opposition
they do not make takfir of the doers and they do not show the act which
must be showed. Allah (awj) commands: 

“Those who conceal the
clear (Signs) We have sent down, and the Guidance, after We have made
it clear for the people in the Book,-on them shall be Allah's curse,
and the curse of those entitled to curse,-” (al-Baqara 2/159)

remember Allah took a covenant from the People of the Book, to make it
known and clear to mankind, and not to hide it; but they threw it away
behind their backs, and purchased with it some miserable gain! And vile
was the bargain they made!” (al-e Imran 3/187)

In the ayah the
necessity of ‘while showing enmity towards kuffar, cutting every type
of relationship off with them’ is mentioned. 

In this book;
what the things that take one out of fold of Islam are, the situation
of those who obey the mushrik and the situation of those who openly
establish deen to them, in what conditions people will be accounted as
mustadhaf, in what conditions hijrah becomes obligatory and such issues
as hijrah will be continue till qiyamah are taken in hand. 

ask Allah to accept this work which I gave the name ‘The way of Cutting
relations off from the mushrik and the murtad’ from me and let it
benefit those who seek hidayah.

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