It would seem India now has the Indian version of the Bush administration. With 
so many lies they tell, it's hard for them to keep track of their stories. 

With the earlier blasts (a few months ago) they were blaming the muslims in 
India and arresting them, but then it became quite clear that it weren't the 
muslims but the extremist hindu terrorists and so they were left with no choice 
to arrest those hindu terrorists. Hindu terrorists were not only from the 
general population but also included monks, brahmin priests, and army officers.

Now, like the bush administration, they are telling all these lies that are so 
contradicting that anyone without any analytical thinking skills can see them 
so easily.


See below what I mean. 

This link says that the deccan mujahedeen were asking to release all the  
mujahedeen. They also say that all the muslims in india should be respected and 
bla bla bla - http://timesofindia .indiatimes. com/articleshow/ 3762100.cms? 

This link says deccan mujahedeen claims responsibility - http://www.inquisit deccan-mujahidee n/

This link says that the terroroists were from pakistan - http://timesofindia 
.indiatimes. com/Mumbai_ attackers_ may_be_Pakistani _nationals/ articleshow/ 

This link says they were in touch with karachi - http://www.rediff. com/news/ 
2008/nov/ 27mum-terrorists -in-touch- with-karachi- via-satphone. htm

This link says all signs are of al-qaida - http://www.rediff. com/news/ 
2008/nov/ 27mumbai- all-signs- of-alqaeda- inspired- attack.htm

This link says they were lookung for americans n british - http://www.rediff. 
com/news/ 2008/nov/ 27-attackers- looking-for- british-american .htm


Now here first the media says it was lashkar then the deccan mujahedee, then 
says they were from pakistan and then says they had signs of al Qaida. (Only 
SIMI is left so far).

If the terrorists were pakistanis why were they fighting for indian muslims and 
asking to release india mujahedeen. Pakistan have their own bomb blasts 
problems in their country.

If deccan mujahedeen (from india) have taken the responsibility then why does 
the PM says that the terrorists are from outside the country ( indirectly 
pointing pakistan).

If they are from india or pakistan why were they looikng for britons and 
americans, and if they were fighting for release of arrested indian mujahedeen 
why were they looking for britons and americans.

Were they looking for english people, were they fighting for indian arrested 
mujahedeen, were thay taking revenge, were they pakistanis, were thay from 
lashkar, al-qaida or deccan mujahedeen. 

The truth only has one version regarldess of how many times you tell it. 
Falsehood has a different version every time you tell it.

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