A cold Sunday in December......
my dog , my son and I ......take a walk in the Park.
My son :
Papa why did you make fun about the Mumbai attack
and you called it  " a CIA/Mossad operation" 
in your last article. ( See article:  Mumbai-chicken with Rice )
Son , do you remember the plot of  the last film
of James Bond ,...."Casino Royal" ??
My son :
Yes I do remember it , it was about a kind of a Mafia that
hires people to do Terror-bombing  anywhere....
or to start an artificial civil-war in Africa ,
and then to stop it at the right time ,when needed .
That kind-of-Mafia , consequently,
manipulated the Stock Market.
I said :
Well did you not believe that film ??
was it not plausible ?? for you .
My son :
Yes indeed ,............ this could happen !!
I responded :
Why would you believe a film by Ian Flemming
and not a sarcastic-article by  your father ??
My son :
how about a hot chocolate ?? , it is cold out here !!
Raja Chemayel
in a cold Amsterdam
Sunday 7Th of december 2008


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