Fatwa on differing on Eid Al-Adha 

Muslims all over the world should follow the hujjaaj in Eid-ul- Adhaa. This is 
the only opinion that can unite all of the Muslims. The Fuqahaa (RA) (scholars 
of Fiqh), did not discuss the issue of "ikhtilaaf ulmataali" (the situation 
where each region has its own moon sighting) or "ittifaaq ulmataali" (the 
situation where sighting the moon in one place is sufficient for the rest of 
the world) when it comes to Eid-ul-Adhaa. As a matter of fact, some scholars, 
such as As-Sarakhsee (from the Hanafee school of thought) in his book 
'AlMabsoot' mentioned that there is consensus between the scholars that Muslims 
should follow the hujjaaj in Eid-ul- Adhaa. 'Arafah is the name of a place, not 
a day. Whenever Muslims stand in that place during the hajj time, we call that 
particular day the Day of 'Arafah and the following day is Yawm un-Nahr (Day of 
Sacrifice) or Eid-ul-Adhaa. Al-Qaadi Zaadah (also from the Hanafee school of 
thought) said in his treatise, 'Haashiyah', that the day of 'Arafah is the day 
when Muslims will be standing in 'Arafah." [Haashiyah 2:328] This is why we 
should follow the hujjaaj in Eid-ul- Adhaa. 

As for following ISNA, it should be said here that it is one of many Islamic 
organizations that Muslims can benefit from in the services and the knowledge 
that they provide. However, one cannot say that we must follow them in every 
matter similar to the rights of the Khaleefah or Imam unless the Muslims give 
them bay'ah (pledge of allegiance). If anyone claims that they should be 
treated as such he is bringing forth an innovation. Also, it is not correct to 
say that we should not follow ISNA at all. Rather, we follow the daleel 
(evidence from Qur'an and Sunnah). 

While ISNA did not follow the hujjaaj on the day of the Eid last year, other 
organizations in America did and announced Eid to be on Thursday. These 
organizations include, for instance, the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America 
(composed of scholars from around the globe). Many major cities in the United 
States have declared Eid as well on Thursday in order to be in unity with the 
hujjaaj (to mention a few: Alexandria, VA; Seattle, WA; Minneapolis, MN; 
Arlington, TX; San Diego, CA; majority of the Masajid in the States of North 
and South Carolina). Even here in Houston, major organizations besides ISGH 
have announced Eid on Thursday. Claiming that praying Eid on Thursday will 
break the unity, or cause fitnah, is irrelevant because the opposite can also 
be stated. An interesting point is that when Friday was initially announced to 
be the day for Eid-ul-Adhaa, no one stated that this was based on calculations 
or our local sighting, rather it was in following the hujjaaj! Those who 
changed their opinion after the second announcement from Saudi are indeed the 
ones who caused the confusion because they broke away from their principle that 
they asserted with the first announcement. 

I also would like to point out an observation regarding ISNA's position on this 
matter. Three years ago, this fitnah happened when ISNA declared Eid on a day 
other than the hujjaaj's Eid based on their claim that they follow the opinion 
of "ikhtilaaf ulmataali" (each region should have its own moon sighting). I was 
told that they subsequently reversed their opinion regarding Eid-ul-Adhaa 
because of the confusion that happened in the Muslim communities in America in 
that particular year. However, here it is happening once again. 

I think we should clarify the original opinion of the scholars who hold the 
position of "ikhtilaaf ulmataali"; that each region should have its own moon 
sighting. It is the more famous opinion in the Hanafee and Shaafi'ee madhaahib. 
However, the majority of the scholars oppose this opinion including some 
Hanafee and Shaafi'ee scholars. First of all, those who adopt this opinion did 
not say it is related to Eid-ul-Adhaa. Also, these scholars also mentioned that 
each main city, its suburbs and other nearby cities are considered one region 
with their own sighting. They gave an example of Al-Kufah and Al-Basrah. 
However, if the areas are far from each other, like Iraq, Al-Hijaaz and 
Ash-Shaam (Syria), then each should have its own moon sighting. Some even 
specified that a distance of 80 miles, or what is considered a traveling 
distance, required a new sighting for that area. How can ISNA then apply this 
opinion to the entire continent of North America, asserting that the Muslims 
all the way from Northern Canada, down to the Muslims in Hawaii, should share 
the same moon-sighting? 

Furthermore, ISNA has also adopted another madhhab, using astronomical 
calculations to reject sightings. These calculations were not approved by the 
scholars who held the "ikhtilaaf ulmataali" opinion. This clearly shows that 
the ISNA needs to review their methodology concerning this issue. Ibn Taymiyyah 
(RA) said, "I have seen people when declaring the beginning of the month of 
Ramadaan and on other occasions listening to the astronomers when they say, 
based on their calculations, that the moon can or cannot be seen. They act upon 
the astronomers' opinion. I have heard that some judges have even rejected the 
testimony of trustworthy witnesses for what the astronomers said. No doubt that 
whoever did such things are among those that have denied the truth when it came 
to them. Such a judge is among As-Samaa'eena lil kadhib (those who listen to 
lies and follow them). (Fataawaa 25:131) 

Shaykhul Islaam (RA) also said, "Those who determine the beginning of the month 
based on astronomical calculations are not only misguided innovators but also 
lacking in sense and ignorant of the nature of astronomical calculations." 
(Fataawaa 25:206) 

The Prophet (SAS) made it so easy for us. Whenever the moon is sighted, the 
month begins. Arafah and Eid are when the hujjaaj stand on Arafah and the 
hujjaaj sacrifice their udhiyah respectively. The Prophet (SAS) said "The Day 
of Adhaa is the day when the people sacrifice their udhiyah." Al-Imam 
AlKhattaabi commented on this hadeeth by saying, "People will be divided into 
groups and many will go astray from the way of the Prophet (SAS). Some will 
follow astronomical calculations and some will fast earlier and stand in 
'Arafah earlier than the Muslims, like the Baatiniyyah. The Prophet's (SAS) way 
will always remain and the people who follow it will be the saved ones, those 
are on the correct path, even if they are few." (Nayl ul-Awtaar 3:329) 

4- The Masajid and Islamic Centers should announce to all Muslims the correct 
date for Eid. If some Muslims miss the day of Eid, they will be rewarded, 
insha'Allah, for their intention. However, we cannot change the Sunnah of the 
Prophet (SAS) regarding the time to establish Eid prayers. The Sunnah being to 
pray Eid on the first day, unless the Muslim organization has reserved a 
praying place, and cannot change the date or the place, or if the change will 
cause a financial burden. In this case, it is permissible to pray on the second 
day. News stations' regularly broadcast the standing of Muslims in Arafah. 

In conclusion, I advise all my brothers and sisters to be among the people of 
taqwa and not let the dispute of one day lead to disunity during the rest of 
the year. We should not divide the community based on ethnicity and must avoid 
labeling each other or disrespecting each other. We should not allow rumors 
against the Muslim scholars, leaders and countries to take root in our hearts. 
May Allah protect us from the whispers of Shaytan and guide us all to the 
Sunnah of His Messenger (SAS). 

Taken from "Fatwa Regarding Eid-al-Adhaa" by Waleed K. Basyouni (1/17/2005)

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