this is what another sister forwarded to me.....she investigated further and 
had requested other sisters to help (who were in reach) but there have been 
discrepancies with every situation.  I am quite sad at us being "caught" trying 
to help a sister but we still need organizations to help our own Muslimeen 
despite the current "witch hunt" to end most Muslim charities.
Please see the recent info on the "sister in need".  Her husband actually 
contacted us (but we did not know until Sis. J investigated the email that was 
sent to me).  We are still not sure which of them is telling the truth........
On Sun, 12/7/08, Ms J <> wrote:

From: Ms J <>
Subject: Zakira Yero
To: Ms J <
Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 10:41 PM

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
As Salaamu Alaikum,

I hope this finds you all in the best of health and iman. I requested a few 
months ago that people come together and help a pregnant sister by the name of 
Zakira Yero.  I was not able to thoroughly check her situation out I asked 
another sister to do so and she sent money to get her car out of the shop, the 
shop did not seem to be legitimate as she called the place and it seemed to be 
residential like someone pretending. she also stipulated that the sister has 
welfare benefits and left her husband choosing to be in the situation because 
he wanted a second wife. Allah knows best.

Her ex husband's email to me is as followed and also another email I received 
prior to him emailing me.

Although he says she may genuinely be in need I would feel safer on the day of 
judgment by asking you all to cease any involvement with her.

Allah promises us in Quran that he will provide for us our sustenance and I 
believe that Allah is Al-Haqq.

There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance depends on Allah [11:6]
It is Allah who feeds (both) them and you [29:60]
May Allah help her if she truely is in need and May Allah forgive her and guide 
her if not.
I am now requesting that anyone who has helped her or is helping her due to my 
email campaign to stop and please forgive me and all others to disregard that 
email i made requesting such.
JazakAllahu khairan and please forgive me for my faults.

Greeting Sis,
Let me start over.  I am not saying that she does not need assistance.  With 
that many kids I am sure I would and she may not be working at this time.  I 
just do not like it when people are Muslim when it fits a certain situation but 
in their hearts they act as non-believers. 
As far as the identity theft I can't prove it but in order to obtain the 
documents you would have to know a lot about me.  She knows all of those 
things.  Most people use your identity for credit not to work.  The individual 
made close to $70K that year.  I went to the business and the manager stated he 
did not make anything close to that working in an adult novelty shop.  During 
the entire time this was going on she was no where to be found.  After the I 
went to the companies HR department it soon stopped. Months later I started 
back hearing from her and she started needing money.  The tubes were untied 
during this period as well. 
I discovered that she was in Arizona and the tube reversal took place in 
Mexico.  Follow this link for proof.
She borrowed money and begged me crying to send her money because her car was 
towed.  I let the people run the charge on my card and I never heard from again 
for months.  I am not assisting her at the moment and that is the truth.  I 
will not since she has been back in Atlanta for months and she has not made an 
opportunity to assist me with seeing my kids.  I have sent her money via 
MoneyGram but that is now a wrap.  I can not go to see her because I have bad 
blood and no respect for the people she lives with and has offered to meet her 
but she refuses so I refuse to pay anything. 
As far as having a 6th child, I don't know.  I have not seen her in two years.  
If so that is very sad.  To be young pretty woman lending your body out like 
that is disgusting and unhealthy.  I would not want six baby daddys running 
around here and then wonder why I am begging but continue to keep having more.  
That is one of my biggest complaints in the black community.  When the tubes 
were tied they should have remained that way.  That is just adding more poverty 
to and need for welfare to our society.
As far as I know we are still legally married.  I have been asking for the 
divorce papers for years.  I have received anything.  I have not been given any 
information as far as the county, city, or state as of to date.  I want to 
remarry but can do so until I am sure that this is finalized.  By all means I 
don't want her. 
But as far as being in need that part may be the only truth to the entire 
story.  I just don't like it when she goes to these blogs and try to make me 
look like the bad person when in fact it is the other way around.  She will get 
assistance when she allow me the opportunity to see my kid in a place that I am 
 Omar al-Muhktar

Inshallah I pray that Allah (SWT) forgives you for these lies.
Please do not lie to obtain Zakaat by the means of greed, lies, and

Your spouse has been in your lives for as long as he was allowed.
You had a way of contacting him over the years but did not do so
because you his identity illegally to to profit as a "ghost"
employee.  After the actions were found and you and your then
boyfriend found out and became broke he bailed and you then allowed
your rightful husband the right to send you money to assist you and
his step-kids.  You also used some of that money to have an operation
performed to untie your tubes and then the 5th child was born from
another man.

Do not use my brothers and sisters to pay for your haraam deeds.
Zakaat is used for the poor and needy not non-believers and greedy.
Those who you befriend are the same as you.  If you associate with
non-believers then you are the same.

You can call yourseld a Muslim name and take Shahada but if your
souls and intent is not pure, Allah knows.  Allah has a place for you
and those as of you.  I can not judge you but in the last days you
will receive your reward.

Please do not lie to these brothers and sisters because they can
truly help true islamic families that really need their assistance.

> Asaalamu Alykum All,
> My name is Sis Zaakira and I am currently 7 months pregnant with my
> child. My spouse is no longer in our lives and we have no contact
> him. I am reaching out for help for my children and I. We have no
> money and I have made several attempt to reach Masjids here in my
> with only being able to leave a message. I've applied for Family
> Assistance but with that you have to play the waiting game. If
> out there know what we can do or have any suggestions please let me
> know.
> Sis Zaakir

--- On Thu, 12/11/08, Abu <Abu> wrote:

From: Abu <Abu>
Subject: Re: Bismillah [IslamCity] RE: Sister in need (deceptive email request)
To: "eGroup For Muslims Around The World" <>
Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 6:23 AM

If what Brother Ameen wrote about this sister is true then I consder this is so 
terrible and unexpected of any Muslemaat. How long does the sister think she 
will go before being found out? May Allah the compassionate forgive her... Ameen

2008/12/5 <JM>

--- On Fri, 10/3/08, zaakirayero <zaakirayero@ ...> wrote:
> From: zaakirayero
> Subject: Sister In Need
> To: newmuslim
> Date: Friday, October 3, 2008, 6:34 PM
> Asaalamu Alykum All,
> My name is Sis Zaakira and I am currently 7 months pregnant with my
> child. My spouse is no longer in our lives and we have no contact
> him. I am reaching out for help for my children and I. We have no
> money and I have made several attempt to reach Masjids here in my
> with only being able to leave a message. I've applied for Family
> Assistance but with that you have to play the waiting game. If
> out there know what we can do or have any suggestions please let me
> know.
> Sis Zaakir

Inshallah I pray that Allah (SWT) forgives you for these lies.
Please do not lie to obtain Zakaat by the means of greed, lies, and

Your spouse has been in your lives for as long as he was allowed.
You had a way of contacting him over the years but did not do so
because you his identity illegally to to profit as a "ghost"
employee.  After the actions were found and you and your then
boyfriend found out and became broke he bailed and you then allowed
your rightful husband the right to send you money to assist you and
his step-kids.  You also used some of that money to have an operation
performed to untie your tubes and then the 5th child was born from
another man.

Do not use my brothers and sisters to pay for your haraam deeds.
Zakaat is used for the poor and needy not non-believers and greedy.
Those who you befriend are the same as you.  If you associate with
non-believers then you are the same.

You can call yourseld a Muslim name and take Shahada but if your
souls and intent is not pure, Allah knows.  Allah has a place for you
and those as of you.  I can not judge you but in the last days you
will receive your reward.

Please do not lie to these brothers and sisters because they can
truly help true islamic families that really need their assistance.


Abu Danyaro Esq. MEI, ACS


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