Victor Ivanov, head of the Russian anti-narcotics service, has made
some extraordinary comments - which amount to an admission that the
country is experiencing a devastating heroin epidemic.

While conceding to the press that Russia is now "the world's absolute
leader in the opiate trade and the number one heroin consumer," Ivanov
also claimed that "Drug trafficking has become a key negative factor
for demography and a blow to our nation's gene pool" or even "a
challenge to Russia's civilisation."

Russia is now lining up behind calls for an aerial fumigation campaign
in Afghanistan, bad news for Afghan farmers. Yet it is also a
challenge to the U.S., many of whose allies in Afghanistan fund their
counter-insurgency operations via the drug trade.

In pictures: Battling heroin in Russia

Russia says it has become the world's biggest consumer of heroin.

The head of Russia's anti-narcotics service, Victor Ivanov, said that
seizures of Afghan heroin were up 70%.

Speaking ahead of a meeting in Vienna of the United Nations Commission
on Narcotic Drugs, he called on the UN to do more to fight the

Mr Ivanov, a former KGB officer and senior Kremlin official, said the
flood of the drug from Afghanistan posed a threat to Russia's national

He painted a grim picture, says the BBC's James Rodgers in Moscow. He
said the drug was partly to blame for rising crime and a fall in
Russia's population.

Afghanistan is thought to be the source of 93% of the world's heroin

"In recent years Russia has not just become massively hooked on Afghan
opiates, it has also become the world's absolute leader in the opiate
trade and the number one heroin consumer," he said in a report made
available to reporters.

"Drug trafficking has become a key negative factor for demography and
a blow to our nation's gene pool... [and] a challenge to Russia's

The Russian health ministry says Russia has up to 2.5 million drug
addicts out of a population of some 140 million, most of them aged
between 18 and 39.

Mr Ivanov did not give details about which country Russia was thought
to have displaced as the main heroin consumer.

The CND's World Drugs Report for 2008 reported that China was
estimated to have about 2.3 million users of opiates, though how many
of those used heroin was unclear.

War factor

Mr Ivanov said that in the first two months of this year, Russia had
seized 400kg (880lb) of heroin - a 70% increase on the same period
last year.

He said it was time for the international community to take action
against Afghan narcotics by spraying poppies and offering farmers
incentives to grow other crops.

Afghanistan is estimated to produce 93% of the world's heroin.

While not directly blaming the US-led coalition in Afghanistan for the
worsening problem, Mr Ivanov said that Afghan farmers had used the
tense military and political situation to plant opium poppies.

He also said patrolling the 7,000-km (4,375-mile) border with
Kazakhstan, through which drugs arrive, was an impossible job.

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