28. Chapter: Veiling the faults of Muslims and the prohibition against 
divulging them without necessity
Allah Almighty says, "People who love to see filth being spread abour 
concerning the believers will have a painful punishment both in this life and 
in the Next World." (24:19)
240. Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet (PBUH), said, "No slave veils 
another slave in this world without Allah veiling him on the Day of Rising." 
241. Abu Hurayra said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), say, 'All of my 
community will be given safety except for those who flaunt themselves. An 
aspect of flaunting yourself is to do an action by night and then in the 
morning, when Allah has veiled you, to say, "O so-and-so! I did such-and-such 
yesterday," removing Allah's veil in the morning after your Lord has veiled you 
in the night.'" [Agreed upon}


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