Obama's agenda for Pakistan
March 28, 2009 

"The White establishment is skilled in flattering and cultivating emerging 
leaders. It presses its own image on them and finally, from imitation of 
manners, dress, and style of living, adeeper strain of corruption develops. 
This kind of Negro leader acquires the Whiteman's contempt for the ordinary 
Negro. He is often more at home with the middle-class White than he is among 
his own people. His language changes, his location changes, his income changes, 
and ultimately he changes from the representative of the Negro to the Whiteman 
into the Whiteman's representative to the Negro. The tragedy is that too often 
he does not recognize what has happened to him," - Rev. Martin Luther King (d. 

"We use military operations to excite the enemy, prompting him to respond. In 
that response we learn so much," - Michael Hayden, CIA director

The above definition of the "House Negro" not only applies to Barack Obama but 
to almost every leader of Pakistan since the assassination of its first prime 
minister, Liaquat Ali Khan on October 16, 1951 by Israeli Mossad - from 
Iskander Mirza (d. 1969) to present-day Asif Ali Zardari.

Obama's Jewish-controlled adminstration's agenda for Pakistan and the rest of 
the Muslim world - as laid down by Obama in his recent speech - is nothing but 
the blue-print of Israeli study "A Clean Break", prepared for Israeli terrorist 
leader, Benjamin Netanyahu (the current prime minister of Zionist entity) and 
the American New Century (PNAC), both documents prepared by Muslim-hating 
Israelis and American zionist scholars.

Here are some of Obama\'s plans for Pakistan and Afghanistan for those Muslims 
who still expect some unbaised foreign policy from this Jewish Lobby's puppet:

"... Al-Qaeda and its allies - the terrorists who planned and supported the 
9/11 attacks  - are in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Multiple intelligence (CIA, 
Mossad, RAW, MI5, etc.) estimates has warned that Al-Qaeda is actively planning 
attacks on the US homeland from its safe-heaven in Pakistan. And if the 
Afghanistan government falls to Taleban - or allow Al-Qaeda to go unchallenged 
- that country will again be a base for terrorists who want to kill as many of 
our people as possibly they can."

"But this is not simply an American problem - far from it. It is, instead, an 
international security challenge of highest order...."



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