
ASF GitHub Bot logged work on BEAM-5959:

                Author: ASF GitHub Bot
            Created on: 21/Dec/18 19:45
            Start Date: 21/Dec/18 19:45
    Worklog Time Spent: 10m 
      Work Description: chamikaramj closed pull request #7050: [BEAM-5959] 
Reimplement GCS copies with rewrites.
URL: https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/7050

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f7e691ac25cb..8cc5c62f7d2d 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ sdks/python/NOTICE
 # Ignore IntelliJ files.
diff --git a/sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/gcsio.py 
index 225d7915eb07..1df93fbe47f8 100644
--- a/sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/gcsio.py
+++ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/gcsio.py
@@ -142,6 +142,15 @@ def __init__(self, storage_client=None):
     # storage_client is None.
     if storage_client is not None:
       self.client = storage_client
+    self._rewrite_cb = None
+  def _set_rewrite_response_callback(self, callback):
+    """For testing purposes only. No backward compatibility guarantees.
+    Args:
+      callback: A function that receives ``storage.RewriteResponse``.
+    """
+    self._rewrite_cb = callback
   def open(self,
@@ -231,31 +240,60 @@ def delete_batch(self, paths):
-  def copy(self, src, dest):
+  def copy(self, src, dest, dest_kms_key_name=None,
+           max_bytes_rewritten_per_call=None):
     """Copies the given GCS object from src to dest.
       src: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/<name>.
       dest: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/<name>.
+      dest_kms_key_name: Experimental. No backwards compatibility guarantees.
+        Encrypt dest with this Cloud KMS key. If None, will use dest bucket
+        encryption defaults.
+      max_bytes_rewritten_per_call: Experimental. No backwards compatibility
+        guarantees. Each rewrite API call will return after these many bytes.
+        Used for testing.
+    Raises:
+      TimeoutError on timeout.
     src_bucket, src_path = parse_gcs_path(src)
     dest_bucket, dest_path = parse_gcs_path(dest)
-    request = storage.StorageObjectsCopyRequest(
+    request = storage.StorageObjectsRewriteRequest(
-        destinationObject=dest_path)
-    self.client.objects.Copy(request)
+        destinationObject=dest_path,
+        destinationKmsKeyName=dest_kms_key_name,
+        maxBytesRewrittenPerCall=max_bytes_rewritten_per_call)
+    response = self.client.objects.Rewrite(request)
+    while not response.done:
+      logging.debug(
+          'Rewrite progress: %d of %d bytes, %s to %s',
+          response.totalBytesRewritten, response.objectSize, src, dest)
+      request.rewriteToken = response.rewriteToken
+      response = self.client.objects.Rewrite(request)
+      if self._rewrite_cb is not None:
+        self._rewrite_cb(response)
+    logging.debug('Rewrite done: %s to %s', src, dest)
   # We intentionally do not decorate this method with a retry, as retrying is
   # handled in BatchApiRequest.Execute().
-  def copy_batch(self, src_dest_pairs):
+  def copy_batch(self, src_dest_pairs, dest_kms_key_name=None,
+                 max_bytes_rewritten_per_call=None):
     """Copies the given GCS object from src to dest.
       src_dest_pairs: list of (src, dest) tuples of gs://<bucket>/<name> files
                       paths to copy from src to dest, not to exceed
                       MAX_BATCH_OPERATION_SIZE in length.
+      dest_kms_key_name: Experimental. No backwards compatibility guarantees.
+        Encrypt dest with this Cloud KMS key. If None, will use dest bucket
+        encryption defaults.
+      max_bytes_rewritten_per_call: Experimental. No backwards compatibility
+        guarantees. Each rewrite call will return after these many bytes. Used
+        primarily for testing.
     Returns: List of tuples of (src, dest, exception) in the same order as the
              src_dest_pairs argument, where exception is None if the operation
@@ -263,31 +301,51 @@ def copy_batch(self, src_dest_pairs):
     if not src_dest_pairs:
       return []
-    batch_request = BatchApiRequest(
-        batch_url=GCS_BATCH_ENDPOINT,
-        retryable_codes=retry.SERVER_ERROR_OR_TIMEOUT_CODES)
-    for src, dest in src_dest_pairs:
-      src_bucket, src_path = parse_gcs_path(src)
-      dest_bucket, dest_path = parse_gcs_path(dest)
-      request = storage.StorageObjectsCopyRequest(
+    pair_to_request = {}
+    for pair in src_dest_pairs:
+      src_bucket, src_path = parse_gcs_path(pair[0])
+      dest_bucket, dest_path = parse_gcs_path(pair[1])
+      request = storage.StorageObjectsRewriteRequest(
-          destinationObject=dest_path)
-      batch_request.Add(self.client.objects, 'Copy', request)
-    api_calls = batch_request.Execute(self.client._http)  # pylint: 
-    result_statuses = []
-    for i, api_call in enumerate(api_calls):
-      src, dest = src_dest_pairs[i]
-      exception = None
-      if api_call.is_error:
-        exception = api_call.exception
-        # Translate 404 to the appropriate not found exception.
-        if isinstance(exception, HttpError) and exception.status_code == 404:
-          exception = (
-              GcsIOError(errno.ENOENT, 'Source file not found: %s' % src))
-      result_statuses.append((src, dest, exception))
-    return result_statuses
+          destinationObject=dest_path,
+          destinationKmsKeyName=dest_kms_key_name,
+          maxBytesRewrittenPerCall=max_bytes_rewritten_per_call)
+      pair_to_request[pair] = request
+    pair_to_status = {}
+    while True:
+      pairs_in_batch = list(set(src_dest_pairs) - set(pair_to_status))
+      if not pairs_in_batch:
+        break
+      batch_request = BatchApiRequest(
+          batch_url=GCS_BATCH_ENDPOINT,
+          retryable_codes=retry.SERVER_ERROR_OR_TIMEOUT_CODES)
+      for pair in pairs_in_batch:
+        batch_request.Add(self.client.objects, 'Rewrite', 
+      api_calls = batch_request.Execute(self.client._http)  # pylint: 
+      for pair, api_call in zip(pairs_in_batch, api_calls):
+        src, dest = pair
+        response = api_call.response
+        if self._rewrite_cb is not None:
+          self._rewrite_cb(response)
+        if api_call.is_error:
+          exception = api_call.exception
+          # Translate 404 to the appropriate not found exception.
+          if isinstance(exception, HttpError) and exception.status_code == 404:
+            exception = (
+                GcsIOError(errno.ENOENT, 'Source file not found: %s' % src))
+          pair_to_status[pair] = exception
+        elif not response.done:
+          logging.debug(
+              'Rewrite progress: %d of %d bytes, %s to %s',
+              response.totalBytesRewritten, response.objectSize, src, dest)
+          pair_to_request[pair].rewriteToken = response.rewriteToken
+        else:
+          logging.debug('Rewrite done: %s to %s', src, dest)
+          pair_to_status[pair] = None
+    return [(pair[0], pair[1], pair_to_status[pair]) for pair in 
   # We intentionally do not decorate this method with a retry, since the
   # underlying copy and delete operations are already idempotent operations
@@ -368,6 +426,22 @@ def size(self, path):
         bucket=bucket, object=object_path)
     return self.client.objects.Get(request).size
+  @retry.with_exponential_backoff(
+      retry_filter=retry.retry_on_server_errors_and_timeout_filter)
+  def kms_key(self, path):
+    """Returns the KMS key of a single GCS object.
+    This method does not perform glob expansion. Hence the given path must be
+    for a single GCS object.
+    Returns: KMS key name of the GCS object as a string, or None if it doesn't
+      have one.
+    """
+    bucket, object_path = parse_gcs_path(path)
+    request = storage.StorageObjectsGetRequest(
+        bucket=bucket, object=object_path)
+    return self.client.objects.Get(request).kmsKeyName
   def last_updated(self, path):
diff --git a/sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/gcsio_integration_test.py 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ff15a6ff394e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/gcsio_integration_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Integration tests for gcsio module.
+Runs tests against Google Cloud Storage service.
+Instantiates a TestPipeline to get options such as GCP project name, but
+doesn't actually start a Beam pipeline or test any specific runner.
+  --kms_key_name=projects/<project-name>/locations/<region>/keyRings/\
+      <key-ring-name>/cryptoKeys/<key-name>/cryptoKeyVersions/<version>
+    Pass a Cloud KMS key name to test GCS operations using customer managed
+    encryption keys (CMEK).
+Cloud KMS permissions:
+The project's Cloud Storage service account requires Encrypter/Decrypter
+permissions for the key specified in --kms_key_name.
+To run these tests manually:
+  ./gradlew beam-sdks-python:integrationTest \
+    -Ptests=apache_beam.io.gcp.gcsio_integration_test:GcsIOIntegrationTest \
+    -PkmsKeyName=KMS_KEY_NAME
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import unittest
+import uuid
+from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
+from apache_beam.io.filesystems import FileSystems
+from apache_beam.testing.test_pipeline import TestPipeline
+  from apache_beam.io.gcp import gcsio
+except ImportError:
+  gcsio = None
+@unittest.skipIf(gcsio is None, 'GCP dependencies are not installed')
+class GcsIOIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  INPUT_FILE = 'gs://dataflow-samples/shakespeare/kinglear.txt'
+  # Larger than 1MB to test maxBytesRewrittenPerCall.
+      'gs://dataflow-samples/wikipedia_edits/wiki_data-000000000000.json')
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.test_pipeline = TestPipeline(is_integration_test=True)
+    self.runner_name = type(self.test_pipeline.runner).__name__
+    if self.runner_name != 'TestDataflowRunner':
+      # This test doesn't run a pipeline, so it doesn't make sense to try it on
+      # different runners. Running with TestDataflowRunner makes sense since
+      # it uses GoogleCloudOptions such as 'project'.
+      raise unittest.SkipTest(
+          'This test only runs with TestDataflowRunner.')
+    self.project = self.test_pipeline.get_option('project')
+    self.gcs_tempdir = (self.test_pipeline.get_option('temp_location') +
+                        '/gcs_it-' + str(uuid.uuid4()))
+    self.kms_key_name = self.test_pipeline.get_option('kms_key_name')
+    self.gcsio = gcsio.GcsIO()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    FileSystems.delete([self.gcs_tempdir + '/'])
+  def _verify_copy(self, src, dst, dst_kms_key_name=None):
+    self.assertTrue(FileSystems.exists(src), 'src does not exist: %s' % src)
+    self.assertTrue(FileSystems.exists(dst), 'dst does not exist: %s' % dst)
+    src_checksum = self.gcsio.checksum(src)
+    dst_checksum = self.gcsio.checksum(dst)
+    self.assertEqual(src_checksum, dst_checksum)
+    self.assertEqual(self.gcsio.kms_key(dst), dst_kms_key_name)
+  def _test_copy(self, name, kms_key_name=None,
+                 max_bytes_rewritten_per_call=None, src=None):
+    src = src or self.INPUT_FILE
+    dst = self.gcs_tempdir + '/%s' % name
+    extra_kwargs = {}
+    if max_bytes_rewritten_per_call is not None:
+      extra_kwargs['max_bytes_rewritten_per_call'] = (
+          max_bytes_rewritten_per_call)
+    self.gcsio.copy(src, dst, kms_key_name, **extra_kwargs)
+    self._verify_copy(src, dst, kms_key_name)
+  @attr('IT')
+  def test_copy(self):
+    self._test_copy("test_copy")
+  @attr('IT')
+  def test_copy_kms(self):
+    if self.kms_key_name is None:
+      raise unittest.SkipTest('--kms_key_name not specified')
+    self._test_copy("test_copy_kms", self.kms_key_name)
+  @attr('IT')
+  def test_copy_rewrite_token(self):
+    # Tests a multi-part copy (rewrite) operation. This is triggered by a
+    # combination of 3 conditions:
+    #  - a large enough src
+    #  - setting max_bytes_rewritten_per_call
+    #  - setting kms_key_name
+    if self.kms_key_name is None:
+      raise unittest.SkipTest('--kms_key_name not specified')
+    rewrite_responses = []
+    self.gcsio._set_rewrite_response_callback(
+        lambda response: rewrite_responses.append(response))
+    self._test_copy("test_copy_rewrite_token", kms_key_name=self.kms_key_name,
+                    max_bytes_rewritten_per_call=50 * 1024 * 1024,
+                    src=self.INPUT_FILE_LARGE)
+    # Verify that there was a multi-part rewrite.
+    self.assertTrue(any([not r.done for r in rewrite_responses]))
+  def _test_copy_batch(self, name, kms_key_name=None,
+                       max_bytes_rewritten_per_call=None, src=None):
+    num_copies = 10
+    srcs = [src or self.INPUT_FILE] * num_copies
+    dsts = [self.gcs_tempdir + '/%s_%d' % (name, i)
+            for i in range(num_copies)]
+    src_dst_pairs = list(zip(srcs, dsts))
+    extra_kwargs = {}
+    if max_bytes_rewritten_per_call is not None:
+      extra_kwargs['max_bytes_rewritten_per_call'] = (
+          max_bytes_rewritten_per_call)
+    result_statuses = self.gcsio.copy_batch(
+        src_dst_pairs, kms_key_name, **extra_kwargs)
+    for status in result_statuses:
+      self.assertIsNone(status[2], status)
+    for _src, _dst in src_dst_pairs:
+      self._verify_copy(_src, _dst, kms_key_name)
+  @attr('IT')
+  def test_copy_batch(self):
+    self._test_copy_batch("test_copy_batch")
+  @attr('IT')
+  def test_copy_batch_kms(self):
+    if self.kms_key_name is None:
+      raise unittest.SkipTest('--kms_key_name not specified')
+    self._test_copy_batch("test_copy_batch_kms", self.kms_key_name)
+  @attr('IT')
+  def test_copy_batch_rewrite_token(self):
+    # Tests a multi-part copy (rewrite) operation. This is triggered by a
+    # combination of 3 conditions:
+    #  - a large enough src
+    #  - setting max_bytes_rewritten_per_call
+    #  - setting kms_key_name
+    if self.kms_key_name is None:
+      raise unittest.SkipTest('--kms_key_name not specified')
+    rewrite_responses = []
+    self.gcsio._set_rewrite_response_callback(
+        lambda response: rewrite_responses.append(response))
+    self._test_copy_batch(
+        "test_copy_batch_rewrite_token", kms_key_name=self.kms_key_name,
+        max_bytes_rewritten_per_call=50 * 1024 * 1024,
+        src=self.INPUT_FILE_LARGE)
+    # Verify that there was a multi-part rewrite.
+    self.assertTrue(any([not r.done for r in rewrite_responses]))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/gcsio_test.py 
index 10789d00e229..4322fc9fa871 100644
--- a/sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/gcsio_test.py
+++ b/sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/gcsio_test.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 import os
 import random
 import sys
+import time
 import unittest
 from builtins import object
 from builtins import range
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ class FakeGcsClient(object):
   def __init__(self):
     self.objects = FakeGcsObjects()
-    # Referenced in GcsIO.batch_copy() and GcsIO.batch_delete().
+    # Referenced in GcsIO.copy_batch() and GcsIO.delete_batch().
     self._http = object()
@@ -140,19 +141,31 @@ def Insert(self, insert_request, upload=None):  # pylint: 
-  def Copy(self, copy_request):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-    src_file = self.get_file(copy_request.sourceBucket,
-                             copy_request.sourceObject)
+  REWRITE_TOKEN = 'test_token'
+  def Rewrite(self, rewrite_request):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    if rewrite_request.rewriteToken == self.REWRITE_TOKEN:
+      dest_object = storage.Object()
+      return storage.RewriteResponse(
+          done=True, objectSize=100, resource=dest_object,
+          totalBytesRewritten=100)
+    src_file = self.get_file(rewrite_request.sourceBucket,
+                             rewrite_request.sourceObject)
     if not src_file:
       raise HttpError(
           httplib2.Response({'status': '404'}), '404 Not Found',
-    generation = self.get_last_generation(copy_request.destinationBucket,
-                                          copy_request.destinationObject) + 1
-    dest_file = FakeFile(copy_request.destinationBucket,
-                         copy_request.destinationObject, src_file.contents,
+    generation = self.get_last_generation(rewrite_request.destinationBucket,
+                                          rewrite_request.destinationObject) + 
+    dest_file = FakeFile(rewrite_request.destinationBucket,
+                         rewrite_request.destinationObject, src_file.contents,
+    time.sleep(10)  # time.sleep and time.time are mocked below.
+    return storage.RewriteResponse(
+        done=False, objectSize=100, rewriteToken=self.REWRITE_TOKEN,
+        totalBytesRewritten=5)
   def Delete(self, delete_request):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
     # Here, we emulate the behavior of the GCS service in raising a 404 error
@@ -196,9 +209,11 @@ def List(self, list_request):  # pylint: 
 class FakeApiCall(object):
-  def __init__(self, exception):
+  def __init__(self, exception, response):
     self.exception = exception
     self.is_error = exception is not None
+    # Response for Rewrite:
+    self.response = response
 class FakeBatchApiRequest(object):
@@ -213,11 +228,12 @@ def Execute(self, unused_http, **unused_kwargs):  # 
pylint: disable=invalid-name
     api_calls = []
     for service, method, request in self.operations:
       exception = None
+      response = None
-        getattr(service, method)(request)
+        response = getattr(service, method)(request)
       except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
         exception = e
-      api_calls.append(FakeApiCall(exception))
+      api_calls.append(FakeApiCall(exception, response))
     return api_calls
@@ -257,6 +273,9 @@ def test_bad_gcs_path_object_optional(self):
 @unittest.skipIf(HttpError is None, 'GCP dependencies are not installed')
+                     time=mock.MagicMock(side_effect=range(100)),
+                     sleep=mock.MagicMock())
 class TestGCSIO(unittest.TestCase):
   def _insert_random_file(self, client, path, size, generation=1, crc32c=None,
@@ -391,13 +410,14 @@ def test_copy(self):
         gcsio.parse_gcs_path(dest_file_name) in self.client.objects.files)
-    self.gcs.copy(src_file_name, dest_file_name)
+    self.gcs.copy(src_file_name, dest_file_name, dest_kms_key_name='kms_key')
         gcsio.parse_gcs_path(src_file_name) in self.client.objects.files)
         gcsio.parse_gcs_path(dest_file_name) in self.client.objects.files)
+    # Test copy of non-existent files.
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(HttpError, r'Not Found'):
@@ -410,10 +430,10 @@ def test_copy_batch(self, *unused_args):
     file_size = 1024
     num_files = 10
-    # Test copy of non-existent files.
     result = self.gcs.copy_batch(
         [(from_name_pattern % i, to_name_pattern % i)
-         for i in range(num_files)])
+         for i in range(num_files)],
+        dest_kms_key_name='kms_key')
     for i, (src, dest, exception) in enumerate(result):
       self.assertEqual(src, from_name_pattern % i)
diff --git a/sdks/python/build.gradle b/sdks/python/build.gradle
index a17b032a0a48..99e295185b9b 100644
--- a/sdks/python/build.gradle
+++ b/sdks/python/build.gradle
@@ -257,6 +257,8 @@ task integrationTest(dependsOn: ['installGcpTest', 
'sdist']) {
     // Build pipeline options that configures pipeline job
     if (project.hasProperty('pipelineOptions'))
       argMap["pipeline_opts"] = project.property('pipelineOptions')
+    if (project.hasProperty('kmsKeyName'))
+      argMap["kms_key_name"] = project.property('kmsKeyName')
     def cmdArgs = mapToArgString(argMap)
     exec {
diff --git a/sdks/python/scripts/run_integration_test.sh 
index d2f5852b8db8..f8f8bef68d62 100755
--- a/sdks/python/scripts/run_integration_test.sh
+++ b/sdks/python/scripts/run_integration_test.sh
@@ -27,17 +27,18 @@
 # Pipeline related flags:
 #     runner        -> Runner that execute pipeline job.
-#                      e.g. TestDataflowRunner, DirectRunner
+#                      e.g. TestDataflowRunner, TestDirectRunner
 #     project       -> Project name of the cloud service.
 #     gcs_location  -> Base location on GCS. Some pipeline options are
-#                      dirived from it including output, staging_location
+#                      derived from it including output, staging_location
 #                      and temp_location.
 #     sdk_location  -> Python tar ball location. Glob is accepted.
 #     num_workers   -> Number of workers.
 #     sleep_secs    -> Number of seconds to wait before verification.
 #     streaming     -> True if a streaming job.
 #     worker_jar    -> Customized worker jar for dataflow runner.
-#     pipeline_opts -> List of space separateed pipeline options. If this
+#     kms_key_name  -> Name of Cloud KMS encryption key to use in some tests.
+#     pipeline_opts -> List of space separated pipeline options. If this
 #                      flag is specified, all above flag will be ignored.
 #                      Please include all required pipeline options when
 #                      using this flag.
@@ -70,6 +71,9 @@ NUM_WORKERS=1
+# Specify "/cryptoKeyVersions/1" suffix for testing simplicity. For this to 
+# in the long term, this key has rotation disabled.
 # Default test (nose) options.
 # Default test sets are full integration tests.
@@ -119,6 +123,11 @@ case $key in
         shift # past argument
         shift # past value
+    --kms_key_name)
+        KMS_KEY_NAME="$2"
+        shift # past argument
+        shift # past value
+        ;;
         shift # past argument
@@ -192,11 +201,14 @@ if [[ -z $PIPELINE_OPTS ]]; then
+  if [[ ! -z "$KMS_KEY_NAME" ]]; then
+    opts+=("--kms_key_name=$KMS_KEY_NAME")
+  fi
   PIPELINE_OPTS=$(IFS=" " ; echo "${opts[*]}")
 # Run tests and validate that jobs finish successfully.


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Issue Time Tracking

    Worklog Id:     (was: 178126)
    Time Spent: 13h 50m  (was: 13h 40m)

> Add Cloud KMS support to GCS copies
> -----------------------------------
>                 Key: BEAM-5959
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-5959
>             Project: Beam
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: io-java-gcp, sdk-py-core
>            Reporter: Udi Meiri
>            Assignee: Udi Meiri
>            Priority: Major
>          Time Spent: 13h 50m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> Beam SDK currently uses the CopyTo GCS API call, which doesn't support 
> copying objects that Customer Managed Encryption Keys (CMEK).
> CMEKs are managed in Cloud KMS.
> Items (for Java and Python SDKs):
> - Update clients to versions that support KMS keys.
> - Change copyTo API calls to use rewriteTo (Python - directly, Java - 
> possibly convert copyTo API call to use client library)
> - Add unit tests.
> - Add basic tests (DirectRunner and GCS buckets with CMEK).

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