
ASF GitHub Bot logged work on BEAM-6457:

                Author: ASF GitHub Bot
            Created on: 25/Jan/19 18:35
            Start Date: 25/Jan/19 18:35
    Worklog Time Spent: 10m 
      Work Description: pabloem commented on pull request #7605: [BEAM-6457] 
Refactoring of a few BigQuery classes.
URL: https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/7605#discussion_r251089745

 File path: sdks/python/apache_beam/io/gcp/bigquery_test.py
 @@ -338,521 +271,6 @@ def test_nested_schema_as_json(self):
-@unittest.skipIf(HttpError is None, 'GCP dependencies are not installed')
-class TestBigQueryReader(unittest.TestCase):
-  def get_test_rows(self):
-    now = time.time()
-    dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(now))
-    ts = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f UTC')
-    expected_rows = [
-        {
-            'i': 1,
-            's': 'abc',
-            'f': 2.3,
-            'b': True,
-            't': ts,
-            'dt': '2016-10-31',
-            'ts': '22:39:12.627498',
-            'dt_ts': '2008-12-25T07:30:00',
-            'r': {'s2': 'b'},
-            'rpr': [{'s3': 'c', 'rpr2': [{'rs': ['d', 'e'], 's4': None}]}]
-        },
-        {
-            'i': 10,
-            's': 'xyz',
-            'f': -3.14,
-            'b': False,
-            'rpr': [],
-            't': None,
-            'dt': None,
-            'ts': None,
-            'dt_ts': None,
-            'r': None,
-        }]
-    nested_schema = [
-        bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-            name='s2', type='STRING', mode='NULLABLE')]
-    nested_schema_2 = [
-        bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-            name='s3', type='STRING', mode='NULLABLE'),
-        bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-            name='rpr2', type='RECORD', mode='REPEATED', fields=[
-                bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-                    name='rs', type='STRING', mode='REPEATED'),
-                bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-                    name='s4', type='STRING', mode='NULLABLE')])]
-    schema = bigquery.TableSchema(
-        fields=[
-            bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-                name='b', type='BOOLEAN', mode='REQUIRED'),
-            bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-                name='f', type='FLOAT', mode='REQUIRED'),
-            bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-                name='i', type='INTEGER', mode='REQUIRED'),
-            bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-                name='s', type='STRING', mode='REQUIRED'),
-            bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-                name='t', type='TIMESTAMP', mode='NULLABLE'),
-            bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-                name='dt', type='DATE', mode='NULLABLE'),
-            bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-                name='ts', type='TIME', mode='NULLABLE'),
-            bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-                name='dt_ts', type='DATETIME', mode='NULLABLE'),
-            bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-                name='r', type='RECORD', mode='NULLABLE',
-                fields=nested_schema),
-            bigquery.TableFieldSchema(
-                name='rpr', type='RECORD', mode='REPEATED',
-                fields=nested_schema_2)])
-    table_rows = [
-        bigquery.TableRow(f=[
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value('true')),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value(str(2.3))),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value(str(1))),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value('abc')),
-            # For timestamps cannot use str() because it will truncate the
-            # number representing the timestamp.
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value('%f' % now)),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value('2016-10-31')),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value('22:39:12.627498')),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value('2008-12-25T07:30:00')),
-            # For record we cannot use dict because it doesn't create nested
-            # schemas correctly so we have to use this f,v based format
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value({'f': [{'v': 'b'}]})),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value([{'v':{'f':[{'v': 'c'}, {'v':[
-                {'v':{'f':[{'v':[{'v':'d'}, {'v':'e'}]}, {'v':None}]}}]}]}}]))
-            ]),
-        bigquery.TableRow(f=[
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value('false')),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value(str(-3.14))),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value(str(10))),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value('xyz')),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=None),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=None),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=None),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=None),
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=None),
-            # REPEATED field without any values.
-            bigquery.TableCell(v=None)])]
-    return table_rows, schema, expected_rows
-  def test_read_from_table(self):
-    client = mock.Mock()
-    client.jobs.Insert.return_value = bigquery.Job(
-        jobReference=bigquery.JobReference(
-            jobId='somejob'))
-    table_rows, schema, expected_rows = self.get_test_rows()
-    client.jobs.GetQueryResults.return_value = 
-        jobComplete=True, rows=table_rows, schema=schema)
-    actual_rows = []
-    with beam.io.BigQuerySource('dataset.table').reader(client) as reader:
-      for row in reader:
-        actual_rows.append(row)
-    self.assertEqual(actual_rows, expected_rows)
-    self.assertEqual(schema, reader.schema)
-  def test_read_from_query(self):
-    client = mock.Mock()
-    client.jobs.Insert.return_value = bigquery.Job(
-        jobReference=bigquery.JobReference(
-            jobId='somejob'))
-    table_rows, schema, expected_rows = self.get_test_rows()
-    client.jobs.GetQueryResults.return_value = 
-        jobComplete=True, rows=table_rows, schema=schema)
-    actual_rows = []
-    with beam.io.BigQuerySource(query='query').reader(client) as reader:
-      for row in reader:
-        actual_rows.append(row)
-    self.assertEqual(actual_rows, expected_rows)
-    self.assertEqual(schema, reader.schema)
-    self.assertTrue(reader.use_legacy_sql)
-    self.assertTrue(reader.flatten_results)
-  def test_read_from_query_sql_format(self):
-    client = mock.Mock()
-    client.jobs.Insert.return_value = bigquery.Job(
-        jobReference=bigquery.JobReference(
-            jobId='somejob'))
-    table_rows, schema, expected_rows = self.get_test_rows()
-    client.jobs.GetQueryResults.return_value = 
-        jobComplete=True, rows=table_rows, schema=schema)
-    actual_rows = []
-    with beam.io.BigQuerySource(
-        query='query', use_standard_sql=True).reader(client) as reader:
-      for row in reader:
-        actual_rows.append(row)
-    self.assertEqual(actual_rows, expected_rows)
-    self.assertEqual(schema, reader.schema)
-    self.assertFalse(reader.use_legacy_sql)
-    self.assertTrue(reader.flatten_results)
-  def test_read_from_query_unflatten_records(self):
-    client = mock.Mock()
-    client.jobs.Insert.return_value = bigquery.Job(
-        jobReference=bigquery.JobReference(
-            jobId='somejob'))
-    table_rows, schema, expected_rows = self.get_test_rows()
-    client.jobs.GetQueryResults.return_value = 
-        jobComplete=True, rows=table_rows, schema=schema)
-    actual_rows = []
-    with beam.io.BigQuerySource(
-        query='query', flatten_results=False).reader(client) as reader:
-      for row in reader:
-        actual_rows.append(row)
-    self.assertEqual(actual_rows, expected_rows)
-    self.assertEqual(schema, reader.schema)
-    self.assertTrue(reader.use_legacy_sql)
-    self.assertFalse(reader.flatten_results)
-  def test_using_both_query_and_table_fails(self):
-    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
-        ValueError,
-        r'Both a BigQuery table and a query were specified\. Please specify '
-        r'only one of these'):
-      beam.io.BigQuerySource(table='dataset.table', query='query')
-  def test_using_neither_query_nor_table_fails(self):
-    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
-        ValueError, r'A BigQuery table or a query must be specified'):
-      beam.io.BigQuerySource()
-  def test_read_from_table_as_tablerows(self):
-    client = mock.Mock()
-    client.jobs.Insert.return_value = bigquery.Job(
-        jobReference=bigquery.JobReference(
-            jobId='somejob'))
-    table_rows, schema, _ = self.get_test_rows()
-    client.jobs.GetQueryResults.return_value = 
-        jobComplete=True, rows=table_rows, schema=schema)
-    actual_rows = []
-    # We set the coder to TableRowJsonCoder, which is a signal that
-    # the caller wants to see the rows as TableRows.
-    with beam.io.BigQuerySource(
-        'dataset.table', coder=TableRowJsonCoder).reader(client) as reader:
-      for row in reader:
-        actual_rows.append(row)
-    self.assertEqual(actual_rows, table_rows)
-    self.assertEqual(schema, reader.schema)
-  @mock.patch('time.sleep', return_value=None)
-  def test_read_from_table_and_job_complete_retry(self, patched_time_sleep):
-    client = mock.Mock()
-    client.jobs.Insert.return_value = bigquery.Job(
-        jobReference=bigquery.JobReference(
-            jobId='somejob'))
-    table_rows, schema, expected_rows = self.get_test_rows()
-    # Return jobComplete=False on first call to trigger the code path where
-    # query needs to handle waiting a bit.
-    client.jobs.GetQueryResults.side_effect = [
-        bigquery.GetQueryResultsResponse(
-            jobComplete=False),
-        bigquery.GetQueryResultsResponse(
-            jobComplete=True, rows=table_rows, schema=schema)]
-    actual_rows = []
-    with beam.io.BigQuerySource('dataset.table').reader(client) as reader:
-      for row in reader:
-        actual_rows.append(row)
-    self.assertEqual(actual_rows, expected_rows)
-  def test_read_from_table_and_multiple_pages(self):
-    client = mock.Mock()
-    client.jobs.Insert.return_value = bigquery.Job(
-        jobReference=bigquery.JobReference(
-            jobId='somejob'))
-    table_rows, schema, expected_rows = self.get_test_rows()
-    # Return a pageToken on first call to trigger the code path where
-    # query needs to handle multiple pages of results.
-    client.jobs.GetQueryResults.side_effect = [
-        bigquery.GetQueryResultsResponse(
-            jobComplete=True, rows=table_rows, schema=schema,
-            pageToken='token'),
-        bigquery.GetQueryResultsResponse(
-            jobComplete=True, rows=table_rows, schema=schema)]
-    actual_rows = []
-    with beam.io.BigQuerySource('dataset.table').reader(client) as reader:
-      for row in reader:
-        actual_rows.append(row)
-    # We return expected rows for each of the two pages of results so we
-    # adjust our expectation below accordingly.
-    self.assertEqual(actual_rows, expected_rows * 2)
-  def test_table_schema_without_project(self):
-    # Reader should pick executing project by default.
-    source = beam.io.BigQuerySource(table='mydataset.mytable')
-    options = PipelineOptions(flags=['--project', 'myproject'])
-    source.pipeline_options = options
-    reader = source.reader()
-    self.assertEquals('SELECT * FROM [myproject:mydataset.mytable];',
-                      reader.query)
-@unittest.skipIf(HttpError is None, 'GCP dependencies are not installed')
-class TestBigQueryWriter(unittest.TestCase):
-  @mock.patch('time.sleep', return_value=None)
-  def test_no_table_and_create_never(self, patched_time_sleep):
-    client = mock.Mock()
-    client.tables.Get.side_effect = HttpError(
-        response={'status': '404'}, url='', content='')
-    create_disposition = beam.io.BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_NEVER
-    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
-        RuntimeError, r'Table project:dataset\.table not found but create '
-                      r'disposition is CREATE_NEVER'):
-      with beam.io.BigQuerySink(
-          'project:dataset.table',
-          create_disposition=create_disposition).writer(client):
-        pass
-  def test_no_table_and_create_if_needed(self):
-    client = mock.Mock()
-    table = bigquery.Table(
-        tableReference=bigquery.TableReference(
-            projectId='project', datasetId='dataset', tableId='table'),
-        schema=bigquery.TableSchema())
-    client.tables.Get.side_effect = HttpError(
-        response={'status': '404'}, url='', content='')
-    client.tables.Insert.return_value = table
-    create_disposition = beam.io.BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED
-    with beam.io.BigQuerySink(
-        'project:dataset.table',
-        schema='somefield:INTEGER',
-        create_disposition=create_disposition).writer(client):
-      pass
-    self.assertTrue(client.tables.Get.called)
-    self.assertTrue(client.tables.Insert.called)
-  @mock.patch('time.sleep', return_value=None)
 Review comment:
   Yes, these are all moves : D
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Issue Time Tracking

    Worklog Id:     (was: 190137)
    Time Spent: 3h  (was: 2h 50m)

> bigquery.py is too large, and some tools are better moved elsewhere
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: BEAM-6457
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-6457
>             Project: Beam
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: sdk-py-core
>            Reporter: Pablo Estrada
>            Assignee: Pablo Estrada
>            Priority: Major
>          Time Spent: 3h
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> Need to do a bit of refactoring of that file

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