Claus Ibsen created CAMEL-20465: ----------------------------------- Summary: camel-core - Shutdown time reported is misleading Key: CAMEL-20465 URL: Project: Camel Issue Type: Bug Components: camel-core Affects Versions: 4.5.0 Reporter: Claus Ibsen Fix For: 4.x
I had a Camel jbang running overnight for 17+ hours, and this morning when I terminate the app, it report the uptime is 5 hours. Its a bit mysterious as its missing 12 hours. It was started at 2024-02-27 06:37:29.923 INFO 4674 --- [ - timer://beer] beer-jq.yaml:16 : Brand of beer: Paulaner and the name is Trappistes Rochefort 8 and it taste good! ^C2024-02-27 06:37:32.938 INFO 4674 --- [ main] el.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext : Apache Camel 4.5.0-SNAPSHOT (beer-jq) is shutting down (timeout:10s) 2024-02-27 06:37:32.951 INFO 4674 --- [ main] el.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext : Routes stopped (total:1 stopped:1 kamelets:1) 2024-02-27 06:37:32.951 INFO 4674 --- [ main] el.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext : Stopped route-66b0 (kamelet://beer-source) 2024-02-27 06:37:32.966 INFO 4674 --- [ntloop-thread-0] .http.vertx.VertxPlatformHttpServer : Vert.x HttpServer stopped 2024-02-27 06:37:32.968 INFO 4674 --- [ main] el.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext : Apache Camel 4.5.0-SNAPSHOT (beer-jq) shutdown in 29ms (uptime:5h15m) 2024-02-27 06:37:32.968 INFO 4674 --- [ main] org.apache.camel.main.MainSupport : Apache Camel (JBang) 4.5.0-SNAPSHOT shutdown -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.10#820010)