
Andrea Cosentino reopened CAMEL-16287:

It's not totally clear because looking at the 

the maxResults is not mandatory. 

> camel-aws2-sqs should use pagination for deciding which aws sqs queues it 
> should create
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CAMEL-16287
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAMEL-16287
>             Project: Camel
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.25.3, 3.8.0
>            Reporter: Gyorgy Abraham
>            Assignee: Andrea Cosentino
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 3.14.4, 3.18.0
> There is an auto create queue feature for aws-sqs in camel-sqs component. 
> Upon camel context creation / route building, it issues an API call to list 
> all sqs queues, so it skips the creation for already existing ones. If camel 
> context has a for example consumer route for an sqs queue that is not listed 
> in the response of this API call, camel will try to to create it.
> However, this API only lists the first 1000 queues in the current account. If 
> there are more then 1000 queues, camel-sqs will try to create a new one, and 
> might fail. In our company's account, we have 1442 queues in our account and 
> Camel tried to create a .fifo queue because it thought it wasnt already 
> existing, resulting in application startup error.
> Relevant code: 
> [https://github.com/apache/camel/blob/master/components/camel-aws2-sqs/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/component/aws2/sqs/Sqs2Endpoint.java#L174]
> Relevant API docs at AWS: 
> [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaSDK/latest/javadoc/com/amazonaws/services/sqs/AmazonSQS.html#listQueues-com.amazonaws.services.sqs.model.ListQueuesRequest-]
> Solution is straightforward: use pagination and load all queues.

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