dawidwys commented on a change in pull request #10763: [FLINK-14200][table] Fix 
NPE for Temporal Table Function Join when left side is a query instead of a 
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/10763#discussion_r363215985

 File path: 
 @@ -158,11 +160,87 @@ class TemporalJoinITCase(state: StateBackendMode)
     assertEquals(expectedOutput, sink.getAppendResults.toSet)
+  @Test
+  def testNestedTemporalJoin(): Unit = {
+    val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
+    val tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env, TableTestUtil.STREAM_SETTING)
+    env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime)
+    val sqlQuery =
+      """
+        |SELECT
+        |  o.amount, r.rate, p.price
+        |FROM
+        |  Orders AS o,
+        |  LATERAL TABLE (Rates(o.rowtime)) AS r,
+        |  LATERAL TABLE (Prices(o.rowtime)) AS p
+        |WHERE r.currency = o.currency AND p.productId = o.productId
+        |""".stripMargin
+    val ordersData = new mutable.MutableList[(Long, String, String, Timestamp)]
+    ordersData.+=((2L, "A1", "Euro", new Timestamp(2L)))
+    ordersData.+=((1L, "A2", "US Dollar", new Timestamp(3L)))
+    ordersData.+=((50L, "A4", "Yen", new Timestamp(4L)))
+    ordersData.+=((3L, "A2", "Euro", new Timestamp(5L)))
+    val ratesHistoryData = new mutable.MutableList[(String, Long, Timestamp)]
+    ratesHistoryData.+=(("US Dollar", 102L, new Timestamp(1L)))
+    ratesHistoryData.+=(("Euro", 114L, new Timestamp(1L)))
+    ratesHistoryData.+=(("Yen", 1L, new Timestamp(1L)))
+    ratesHistoryData.+=(("Euro", 116L, new Timestamp(5L)))
+    ratesHistoryData.+=(("Euro", 119L, new Timestamp(7L)))
+    val pricesHistoryData = new mutable.MutableList[(String, Double, 
+    pricesHistoryData.+=(("A2", 10.2D, new Timestamp(1L)))
+    pricesHistoryData.+=(("A1", 11.4D, new Timestamp(1L)))
+    pricesHistoryData.+=(("A4", 1D, new Timestamp(1L)))
+    pricesHistoryData.+=(("A1", 11.6D, new Timestamp(5L)))
+    pricesHistoryData.+=(("A1", 11.9D, new Timestamp(7L)))
+    val orders = env
+      .fromCollection(ordersData)
+      .asInstanceOf[DataStream[Product]]
+      .assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new TimestampExtractor())
+      .toTable(tEnv, 'amount, 'productId, 'currency, 'rowtime.rowtime)
+    val ratesHistory = env
+      .fromCollection(ratesHistoryData)
+      .asInstanceOf[DataStream[Product]]
+      .assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new TimestampExtractor())
+      .toTable(tEnv, 'currency, 'rate, 'rowtime.rowtime)
+    val pricesHistory = env
+      .fromCollection(pricesHistoryData)
+      .asInstanceOf[DataStream[Product]]
+      .assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new TimestampExtractor())
+      .toTable(tEnv, 'productId, 'price, 'rowtime.rowtime)
+    tEnv.createTemporaryView("Orders", orders)
+    tEnv.createTemporaryView("RatesHistory", ratesHistory)
+    tEnv.registerFunction(
+      "Rates",
+      ratesHistory.createTemporalTableFunction("rowtime", "currency"))
+    tEnv.registerFunction(
+      "Prices",
+      pricesHistory.createTemporalTableFunction("rowtime", "productId"))
+    tEnv.createTemporaryView("TemporalJoinResult", tEnv.sqlQuery(sqlQuery))
+    // Scan from registered table to test for interplay between
+    // LogicalCorrelateToTemporalTableJoinRule and TableScanRule
+    val result = tEnv.from("TemporalJoinResult").toAppendStream[Row]
+    val sink = new TestingAppendSink
+    result.addSink(sink)
+    env.execute()
+    val expected = List("1,102,10.2", "3,116,10.2", "2,114,11.4", "50,1,1.0")
+    assertEquals(expected.sorted, sink.getAppendResults.sorted)
+  }
-class TimestampExtractor[T1, T2]
-  extends BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor[(T1, T2, 
Timestamp)](Time.seconds(10))  {
-  override def extractTimestamp(element: (T1, T2, Timestamp)): Long = {
-    element._3.getTime
+class TimestampExtractor
+  extends BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor[Product](Time.seconds(10))  {
+  override def extractTimestamp(element: Product): Long = element match {
+    case (_, _, ts: Timestamp) => ts.getTime
+    case (_, _, _, ts: Timestamp) => ts.getTime
 Review comment:
   add a default branch:
   case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected the last element in a 
tuple to be of a Timestamp type.")
   This will make it easier to use this extractor in future tests.

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