KarmaGYZ commented on a change in pull request #12619:
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/12619#discussion_r439900022

File path: 
@@ -412,6 +414,21 @@ public void 
testDoesNotWaitForPendingRequestsIfFlushingDisabled() throws Excepti
+       @Test
+       public void testOpenAndCloseInSinkFunction() throws Exception {
+               @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+               ElasticsearchSinkFunction<String> sinkFunction = 
(ElasticsearchSinkFunction<String>) mock(ElasticsearchSinkFunction.class);
+               final DummyElasticsearchSink<String> sink = new 
+                               new HashMap<>(), sinkFunction, new 
+               sink.open(mock(Configuration.class));
+               sink.close();
+               verify(sinkFunction, times(1)).open();
+               verify(sinkFunction, times(1)).close();
+               verifyNoMoreInteractions(sinkFunction);

Review comment:
       I think this reflects how well our design adheres to the principles of 
dependency injection. If our design is good enough, we could directly use the 
constructor in the test.

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