crizzis commented on a change in pull request #487:

File path: 
@@ -195,13 +195,13 @@ public boolean shouldRun( Class<?> testClass, String 
methodName )
      * Returns {@code true} if satisfies {@code testClassFile} and {@code 
methodName} filter.
-     * @param testClassFile format must be e.g. "my/package/MyTest.class" 
including class extension; or null
-     * @param methodName real test-method name; or null
+     * @param containerName format must be e.g. "my/package/MyTest.class" 
including class extension; or null

Review comment:
       The attribute names of this method have been changed to reflect their 
new meaning. The second parameter to this method, for instance, will no longer 
only ever represent method names. That's the entire purpose of this PR. 
   Would you care to explain why you would expect the parameters to retain 
their original names?

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