Hi all,

My problem is the next :

I have developed with maven an archetype to generate a multi module
project in eclipse.

I  obtain the next structure :

|---> foo (projet parent)
|           |--->entities (sous module1)
|           |--->service (sous module2)
|           |--->web (sous module 3)
|--->entities (sous module1)
|--->service (sous module2)
|--->web (sous module3)


But my ai mis this :


|--->foo (projet parent)
|--->entities (sous module1)
|--->service (sous module2)
|--->web (sous module3)


Whithout the directories created under the parent project.


Another problem is that in the workspace I just find the parent
directory (foo) and the other subdirectories ander this one.



Thanks for your help 


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