fgerlits commented on code in PR #1483:
URL: https://github.com/apache/nifi-minifi-cpp/pull/1483#discussion_r1135682353

@@ -249,165 +305,176 @@ In the list below, the names of required properties 
appear in bold. Any other pr
 ### Description
 Compresses or decompresses the contents of FlowFiles using a user-specified 
compression algorithm and updates the mime.type attribute as appropriate
 ### Properties
 In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other 
properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any 
default values, and whether a property supports the NiFi Expression Language.
-| Name               | Default Value           | Allowable Values | 
Description                                                                    |
-| Compression Format | use mime.type attribute |                  | The 
compression format to use.                                                 |
-| Compression Level  | 1                       |                  | The 
compression level to use; this is valid only when using GZIP compression.  |
-| Mode               | compress                |                  | Indicates 
whether the processor should compress content or decompress content. |
-| Update Filename    | false                   |                  | Determines 
if filename extension need to be updated                            |
+| Name               | Default Value           | Allowable Values              
                                   | Description                                
+| Mode               | compress                | compress<br/>decompress       
                                   | Indicates whether the processor should 
compress content or decompress content.                                         
+| Compression Level  | 1                       |                               
                                   | The compression level to use; this is 
valid only when using GZIP compression.                                         
+| Compression Format | use mime.type attribute | 
bzip2<br/>gzip<br/>lzma<br/>use mime.type attribute<br/>xz-lzma2 | The 
compression format to use.                                                      
+| Update Filename    | false                   |                               
                                   | Determines if filename extension need to 
be updated                                                                      
+| Encapsulate in TAR | true                    |                               
                                   | If true, on compression the FlowFile is 
added to a TAR archive and then compressed, and on decompression a compressed, 
TAR-encapsulated FlowFile is expected.<br/>If false, on compression the content 
of the FlowFile simply gets compressed, and on decompression a simple 
compressed content is expected.<br/>true is the behaviour compatible with older 
MiNiFi C++ versions, false is the behaviour compatible with NiFi. |
+| Batch Size         | 1                       |                               
                                   | Maximum number of FlowFiles processed in a 
single session                                                                  
 ### Relationships
 | Name    | Description                                                        
-| failure | FlowFiles will be transferred to the failure relationship if they 
fail to compress/decompress                 |
 | success | FlowFiles will be transferred to the success relationship after 
successfully being compressed or decompressed |
+| failure | FlowFiles will be transferred to the failure relationship if they 
fail to compress/decompress                 |
 ## ConsumeJournald
 ### Description
-Consume systemd-journald journal messages. Available on Linux only.
+Consume systemd-journald journal messages. Creates one flow file per message. 
Fields are mapped to attributes. Realtime timestamp is mapped to the 
'timestamp' attribute. Available on Linux only.
 ### Properties
-All properties are required with a default value, making them effectively 
optional. None of the properties support the NiFi Expression Language.
-| Name                 | Default Value | Allowable Values                      
                                             | Description                      
-| Batch Size           | 1000          | Positive numbers                      
                                             | The maximum number of entries 
processed in a single execution.                                                
-| Payload Format       | Syslog        | Raw<br>Syslog                         
                                             | Configures flow file content 
formatting.<br>Raw: only the message.<br>Syslog: similar to syslog or 
journalctl output.                                   |
-| Include Timestamp    | true          | true<br>false                         
                                             | Include message timestamp in the 
'timestamp' attribute.                                                          
-| Journal Type         | System        | User<br>System<br>Both                
                                             | Type of journal to consume.      
-| Process Old Messages | false         | true<br>false                         
                                             | Process events created before 
the first usage (schedule) of the processor instance.                           
-| Timestamp Format     | %x %X %Z      | [date 
format](https://howardhinnant.github.io/date/date.html#to_stream_formatting) | 
Format string to use when creating the timestamp attribute or writing messages 
in the syslog format. ISO/ISO 8601/ISO8601 are equivalent to "%FT%T%Ez". |
+In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other 
properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any 
default values, and whether a property supports the NiFi Expression Language.
+| Name                     | Default Value | Allowable Values         | 
+| **Batch Size**           | 1000          |                          | The 
maximum number of entries processed in a single execution.                      
+| **Payload Format**       | Syslog        | Raw<br/>Syslog           | 
Configures flow file content formatting. Raw: only the message. Syslog: similar 
to syslog or journalctl output. |
+| **Include Timestamp**    | true          |                          | 
Include message timestamp in the 'timestamp' attribute.                         
+| **Journal Type**         | System        | Both<br/>System<br/>User | Type 
of journal to consume.                                                          
+| **Process Old Messages** | false         |                          | 
Process events created before the first usage (schedule) of the processor 
instance.                             |
+| **Timestamp Format**     | %x %X %Z      |                          | Format 
string to use when creating the timestamp attribute or writing messages in the 
syslog format.            |
 ### Relationships
-| Name    | Description                    |
-| success | Journal messages as flow files |
+| Name    | Description                             |
+| success | Successfully consumed journal messages. |
 ## ConsumeKafka
 ### Description
 Consumes messages from Apache Kafka and transform them into MiNiFi FlowFiles. 
The application should make sure that the processor is triggered at regular 
intervals, even if no messages are expected, to serve any queued callbacks 
waiting to be called. Rebalancing can also only happen on trigger.
 ### Properties
 In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other 
properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any 
default values, and whether a property supports the NiFi Expression Language.
-| Name                         | Default Value  | Allowable Values             
                          | Description                                         
-| Duplicate Header Handling    | Keep Latest    | Comma-separated 
Merge<br>Keep First<br>Keep Latest<br> | For headers to be added as attributes, 
this option specifies how to handle cases where multiple headers are present 
with the same key. For example in case of receiving these two headers: "Accept: 
text/html" and "Accept: application/xml" and we want to attach the value of 
"Accept" as a FlowFile attribute:<br/> - "Keep First" attaches: "Accept -> 
text/html"<br/> - "Keep Latest" attaches: "Accept -> application/xml"<br/> - 
"Comma-separated Merge" attaches: "Accept -> text/html, application/xml"        
-| **Group ID**                 |                |                              
                          | A Group ID is used to identify consumers that are 
within the same consumer group. Corresponds to Kafka's 'group.id' 
property.<br/>**Supports Expression Language: true**                            
-| Headers To Add As Attributes |                |                              
                          | A comma separated list to match against all message 
headers. Any message header whose name matches an item from the list will be 
added to the FlowFile as an Attribute. If not specified, no Header values will 
be added as FlowFile attributes. The behaviour on when multiple headers of the 
same name are present is set using the DuplicateHeaderHandling attribute.       
-| **Honor Transactions**       | true           |                              
                          | Specifies whether or not MiNiFi should honor 
transactional guarantees when communicating with Kafka. If false, the Processor 
will use an "isolation level" of read_uncomitted. This means that messages will 
be received as soon as they are written to Kafka but will be pulled, even if 
the producer cancels the transactions. If this value is true, MiNiFi will not 
receive any messages for which the producer's transaction was canceled, but 
this can result in some latency since the consumer must wait for the producer 
to finish its entire transaction instead of pulling as the messages become 
available. |
-| **Kafka Brokers**            | localhost:9092 |                              
                          | A comma-separated list of known Kafka Brokers in 
the format <host>:<port>.<br/>**Supports Expression Language: true**            
-| Kerberos Keytab Path         |                |                              
                          | The path to the location on the local filesystem 
where the kerberos keytab is located. Read permission on the file is required.  
-| Kerberos Principal           |                |                              
                          | Keberos Principal                                   
-| Kerberos Service Name        |                |                              
                          | Kerberos Service Name                               
-| **Key Attribute Encoding**   | UTF-8          | Hex<br>UTF-8<br>             
                          | FlowFiles that are emitted have an attribute named 
'kafka.key'. This property dictates how the value of the attribute should be 
-| Max Poll Records             | 10000          |                              
                          | Specifies the maximum number of records Kafka 
should return when polling each time the processor is triggered.                
-| **Max Poll Time**            | 4 seconds      |                              
                          | Specifies the maximum amount of time the consumer 
can use for polling data from the brokers. Polling is a blocking operation, so 
the upper limit of this value is specified in 4 seconds.                        
-| Message Demarcator           |                |                              
                          | Since KafkaConsumer receives messages in batches, 
you have an option to output FlowFiles which contains all Kafka messages in a 
single batch for a given topic and partition and this property allows you to 
provide a string (interpreted as UTF-8) to use for demarcating apart multiple 
Kafka messages. This is an optional property and if not provided each Kafka 
message received will result in a single FlowFile which time it is triggered. 
<br/>**Supports Expression Language: true**                                     
-| Message Header Encoding      | UTF-8          | Hex<br>UTF-8<br>             
                          | Any message header that is found on a Kafka message 
will be added to the outbound FlowFile as an attribute. This property indicates 
the Character Encoding to use for deserializing the headers.                    
-| **Offset Reset**             | latest         | 
earliest<br>latest<br>none<br>                         | Allows you to manage 
the condition when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset 
does not exist any more on the server (e.g. because that data has been 
deleted). Corresponds to Kafka's 'auto.offset.reset' property.                  
-| Password                     |                |                              
                          | The password for the given username when the SASL 
Mechanism is sasl_plaintext                                                     
-| SASL Mechanism               | GSSAPI         | GSSAPI<br/>PLAIN             
                          | The SASL mechanism to use for authentication. 
Corresponds to Kafka's 'sasl.mechanism' property.                               
-| **Security Protocol**        | plaintext      | 
plaintext<br/>ssl<br/>sasl_plaintext<br/>sasl_ssl      | Protocol used to 
communicate with brokers. Corresponds to Kafka's 'security.protocol' property.  
-| Session Timeout              | 60 seconds     |                              
                          | Client group session and failure detection timeout. 
The consumer sends periodic heartbeats to indicate its liveness to the broker. 
If no hearts are received by the broker for a group member within the session 
timeout, the broker will remove the consumer from the group and trigger a 
rebalance. The allowed range is configured with the broker configuration 
properties group.min.session.timeout.ms and group.max.session.timeout.ms.       
-| SSL Context Service          |                |                              
                          | SSL Context Service Name                            
-| **Topic Name Format**        | Names          | Names<br>Patterns<br>        
                          | Specifies whether the Topic(s) provided are a comma 
separated list of names or a single regular expression. Using regular 
expressions does not automatically discover Kafka topics created after the 
processor started.                                                              
-| **Topic Names**              |                |                              
                          | The name of the Kafka Topic(s) to pull from. 
Multiple topic names are supported as a comma separated list.<br/>**Supports 
Expression Language: true**                                                     
-| Username                     |                |                              
                          | The username when the SASL Mechanism is 
-### Properties
+| Name                         | Default Value  | Allowable Values             
                        | Description                                           
+| SSL Context Service          |                |                              
                        | SSL Context Service Name                              
+| **Security Protocol**        | plaintext      | 
plaintext<br/>sasl_plaintext<br/>sasl_ssl<br/>ssl    | Protocol used to 
communicate with brokers. Corresponds to Kafka's 'security.protocol' property.  
+| Kerberos Service Name        |                |                              
                        | Kerberos Service Name                                 
+| Kerberos Principal           |                |                              
                        | Keberos Principal                                     
+| Kerberos Keytab Path         |                |                              
                        | The path to the location on the local filesystem 
where the kerberos keytab is located. Read permission on the file is required.  
+| **SASL Mechanism**           | GSSAPI         | GSSAPI<br/>PLAIN             
                        | The SASL mechanism to use for authentication. 
Corresponds to Kafka's 'sasl.mechanism' property.                               
+| Username                     |                |                              
                        | The username when the SASL Mechanism is 
+| Password                     |                |                              
                        | The password for the given username when the SASL 
Mechanism is sasl_plaintext                                                     
+| **Kafka Brokers**            | localhost:9092 |                              
                        | A comma-separated list of known Kafka Brokers in the 
format <host>:<port>.<br/>**Supports Expression Language: true**                
+| **Topic Names**              |                |                              
                        | The name of the Kafka Topic(s) to pull from. Multiple 
topic names are supported as a comma separated list.<br/>**Supports Expression 
Language: true**                                                                
+| **Topic Name Format**        | Names          | Names<br/>Patterns           
                        | Specifies whether the Topic(s) provided are a comma 
separated list of names or a single regular expression. Using regular 
expressions does not automatically discover Kafka topics created after the 
processor started.                                                              
+| **Honor Transactions**       | true           |                              
                        | Specifies whether or not MiNiFi should honor 
transactional guarantees when communicating with Kafka. If false, the Processor 
will use an "isolation level" of read_uncomitted. This means that messages will 
be received as soon as they are written to Kafka but will be pulled, even if 
the producer cancels the transactions. If this value is true, MiNiFi will not 
receive any messages for which the producer's transaction was canceled, but 
this can result in some latency since the consumer must wait for the producer 
to finish its entire transaction instead of pulling as the messages become 
available. |
+| **Group ID**                 |                |                              
                        | A Group ID is used to identify consumers that are 
within the same consumer group. Corresponds to Kafka's 'group.id' 
property.<br/>**Supports Expression Language: true**                            
+| **Offset Reset**             | latest         | earliest<br/>latest<br/>none 
                        | Allows you to manage the condition when there is no 
initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset does not exist any more on the 
server (e.g. because that data has been deleted). Corresponds to Kafka's 
'auto.offset.reset' property.                                                   
+| **Key Attribute Encoding**   | UTF-8          | Hex<br/>UTF-8                
                        | FlowFiles that are emitted have an attribute named 
'kafka.key'. This property dictates how the value of the attribute should be 
+| Message Demarcator           |                |                              
                        | Since KafkaConsumer receives messages in batches, you 
have an option to output FlowFiles which contains all Kafka messages in a 
single batch for a given topic and partition and this property allows you to 
provide a string (interpreted as UTF-8) to use for demarcating apart multiple 
Kafka messages. This is an optional property and if not provided each Kafka 
message received will result in a single FlowFile which time it is triggered. 
<br/>**Supports Expression Language: true**                                     
+| Message Header Encoding      | UTF-8          | Hex<br/>UTF-8                
                        | Any message header that is found on a Kafka message 
will be added to the outbound FlowFile as an attribute. This property indicates 
the Character Encoding to use for deserializing the headers.                    
+| Headers To Add As Attributes |                |                              
                        | A comma separated list to match against all message 
headers. Any message header whose name matches an item from the list will be 
added to the FlowFile as an Attribute. If not specified, no Header values will 
be added as FlowFile attributes. The behaviour on when multiple headers of the 
same name are present is set using the DuplicateHeaderHandling attribute.       

Review Comment:
   fixed in f48606ccce5a4ce7bcd3ddb73ed5eb013d03b5c8

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