dam4rus commented on code in PR #7003:
URL: https://github.com/apache/nifi/pull/7003#discussion_r1142937771

@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from enum import Enum
+from nifiapi.__jvm__ import JvmHolder
+import re
+class ExpressionLanguageScope(Enum):
+    NONE = 1
+    LIMITED = 2
+class StandardValidators:
+    __standard_validators__ = 
+    ALWAYS_VALID = JvmHolder.jvm.org.apache.nifi.components.Validator.VALID
+    NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR = __standard_validators__.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR
+    INTEGER_VALIDATOR = __standard_validators__.INTEGER_VALIDATOR
+    NUMBER_VALIDATOR = __standard_validators__.NUMBER_VALIDATOR
+    LONG_VALIDATOR = __standard_validators__.LONG_VALIDATOR
+    PORT_VALIDATOR = __standard_validators__.PORT_VALIDATOR
+    NON_EMPTY_EL_VALIDATOR = __standard_validators__.NON_EMPTY_EL_VALIDATOR
+    BOOLEAN_VALIDATOR = __standard_validators__.BOOLEAN_VALIDATOR
+    URL_VALIDATOR = __standard_validators__.URL_VALIDATOR
+    URI_VALIDATOR = __standard_validators__.URI_VALIDATOR
+    DATA_SIZE_VALIDATOR = __standard_validators__.DATA_SIZE_VALIDATOR
+class PropertyDependency:
+    def __init__(self, property_descriptor, dependent_values=None):
+        if dependent_values is None:
+            dependent_values = []
+        if isinstance(property_descriptor, str):
+            self.property_name = property_descriptor
+        else:
+            self.property_name = property_descriptor.getName()
+        self.dependentValues = dependent_values
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_java_dependency(java_dependencies):
+        if java_dependencies is None or len(java_dependencies) == 0:
+            return None
+        dependencies = []
+        for dependency in java_dependencies:
+        return dependencies
+class ResourceDefinition:
+    def __init__(self, allow_multiple=False, allow_file=True, allow_url=False, 
allow_directory=False, allow_text=False):
+        self.allow_multiple = allow_multiple
+        self.allow_file = allow_file
+        self.allow_url = allow_url
+        self.allow_directory = allow_directory
+        self.allow_text = allow_text
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_java_definition(java_definition):
+        if java_definition is None:
+            return None
+        allow_multiple = java_definition.getCardinality().name() == "MULTIPLE"
+        resource_types = java_definition.getResourceTypes()
+        allow_file = False
+        allow_url = False
+        allow_directory = False
+        allow_text = False
+        for type in resource_types:
+            name = type.name()
+            if name == "FILE":
+                allow_file = True
+            elif name == "DIRECTORY":
+                allow_directory = True
+            elif name == "TEXT":
+                allow_text = True
+            elif name == "URL":
+                allow_url = True
+        return ResourceDefinition(allow_multiple, allow_file, allow_url, 
allow_directory, allow_text)
+class PropertyDescriptor:
+    def __init__(self, name, description, required=False, sensitive=False,
+                 display_name=None, default_value=None, allowable_values=None,
+                 dependencies=None, 
+                 dynamic=False, validators=None,
+                 resource_definition=None, controller_service_definition=None):
+        """
+        :param name: the name of the property
+        :param description: a description of the property
+        :param required: a boolean indicating whether or not the property is 
required. Defaults to False.
+        :param sensitive: a boolean indicating whether or not the property is 
sensitive. Defaults to False.
+        :param display_name: Once a Processor has been released, its 
properties' configuration are stored as key/value pairs where the key is the 
name of the property.
+                             Because of that, subsequent versions of the 
Processor should not change the name of a property. However, there are times 
when renaming a property
+                             would be advantageous. For example, one might 
find a typo in the name of a property, or users may find a property name 
confusing. While the name of
+                             the property should not be changed, a 
display_name may be added. Doing this results in the Display Name being used in 
the NiFi UI but still maintains
+                             the original name as the key. Generally, this 
value should be left unspecified. If unspecified (or a value of `None`), the 
display name will default
+                             to whatever the name is. However, the 
display_name may be changed at any time between versions without adverse 
+        :param default_value: a default value for the property. If not 
specified, the initial value will be unset. If specified, any time the value is 
removed, it is reset to this
+                              default_value. That is to say, if a default 
value is specified, the property cannot be unset.
+        :param allowable_values: a list of string values that are allowed. If 
specified, the UI will present the options as a drop-down instead of a freeform 
text. If any other value
+                                 is specified for the property, the Processor 
will be invalid.
+        :param dependencies: a list of dependencies for this property. By 
default, all properties are always configurable. However, sometimes we want to 
expose a property that only makes
+                             sense in certain circumstances. In this 
situation, we can say that Property A depends on Property B. Now, Property A 
will only be shown if a value is selected
+                             for Property B. Additionally, we may say that 
Property A depends on Property B being set to some explicit value, say "foo." 
Now, Property A will only be shown
+                             in the UI if Property B is set to a value of 
"foo." If a Property is not shown in the UI, its value will also not be 
validated. For example, if we indicate that
+                             Property A is required and depends on Property B, 
then Property A is only required if Property B is set.
+        :param expression_language_scope: documents the scope in which 
Expression Language is valid. This value must be specified as one of the enum 
+                                          in 
`nifiapi.properties.ExpressionLanguageScope`. A value of `NONE` indicates that 
Expression Language will not be evaluated for this property.
+                                          This is the default. A value of 
`FLOWFILE_ATTRIBUTES` indicates that FlowFile attributes may be referenced when 
configuring the property value.
+                                          A value of `LIMITED` indicates that 
Expression Language may be used but may not reference FlowFile attributes. For 
example, a value of `${now()}` might
+                                          be used to reference the current 
date and time, or `${hostname(true)}` might be used to specify the hostname.
+        :param dynamic: whether or not this Property Descriptor represents a 
dynamic (aka user-defined) property. This is not necessary to specify, as the 
framework can determine this.
+                        However, it is available if there is a desire to 
explicitly set it for completeness' sake.
+        :param validators: A list of property validators that can be used to 
ensure that the user-supplied value is valid. The standard validators can be 
referenced using the
+                           members of the 
`nifiapi.properties.StandardValidators` class.
+        :param resource_definition: an instance of 
`nifiapi.properties.ResourceDefinition`. This may be used to convey that the 
property references a file, directory, or URL, or a set of them.
+        :param controller_service_definition: if this Processor is to make use 
of a Controller Service, this indicates the type of Controller Service. This 
will always be a fully-qualified
+                                              classname of a Java interface 
that extends from `ControllerService`.
+        """
+        if validators is None:
+            validators = [StandardValidators.ALWAYS_VALID]
+        self.name = name
+        self.description = description
+        self.required = required
+        self.sensitive = sensitive
+        self.displayName = display_name
+        self.defaultValue = None if default_value is None else 
+        self.allowableValues = allowable_values
+        self.dependencies = dependencies
+        self.expressionLanguageScope = expression_language_scope
+        self.dynamic = dynamic
+        self.validators = validators
+        self.resourceDefinition = resource_definition
+        self.controllerServiceDefinition = controller_service_definition
+    @staticmethod
+    def from_java_descriptor(java_descriptor):
+        # Build the dependencies
+        dependencies = 
+        # Build the allowable values
+        allowable = java_descriptor.getAllowableValues()
+        if allowable is None or len(allowable) == 0:
+            allowable_values = None
+        else:
+            allowable_values = []
+            for value in allowable:
+                allowable_values.append(value.getValue())
+        # Build the resource definition
+        resource_definition = 
+        el_scope = java_descriptor.getExpressionLanguageScope()
+        el_scope_name = None if el_scope is None else el_scope.name()
+        return PropertyDescriptor(java_descriptor.getName(), 
+                                  required = java_descriptor.isRequired(),
+                                  sensitive = java_descriptor.isSensitive(),
+                                  display_name = 
+                                  default_value = 
+                                  allowable_values = allowable_values,
+                                  expression_language_scope = el_scope_name,
+                                  dynamic = java_descriptor.isDynamic(),
+                                  validators = java_descriptor.getValidators(),
+                                  controller_service_definition = 
+                                  dependencies = dependencies,
+                                  resource_definition = resource_definition)
+    def to_java_descriptor(self, gateway, cs_type_lookup):
+        # TODO: Consider dependencies
+        el_scope = 
+        builder = 
gateway.jvm.org.apache.nifi.components.PropertyDescriptor.Builder() \
+            .name(self.name) \
+            .displayName(self.displayName) \
+            .description(self.description) \
+            .required(self.required) \
+            .sensitive(self.sensitive) \
+            .defaultValue(self.defaultValue) \
+            .expressionLanguageSupported(el_scope) \
+            .dynamic(self.dynamic)
+        if self.resourceDefinition is not None:
+            self.__add_resource_definition__(gateway, self.resourceDefinition, 
+        if self.controllerServiceDefinition is not None:
+            cs_type = cs_type_lookup.lookup(self.controllerServiceDefinition)
+            builder.identifiesControllerService(cs_type)
+        if self.allowableValues is not None:
+            builder.allowableValues(self.__get_allowable_values__(gateway))
+        for validator in self.validators:
+            builder.addValidator(validator)
+        return builder.build()
+    def __get_allowable_values__(self, gateway):
+        if self.allowableValues is None:
+            return None
+        values = gateway.jvm.java.util.ArrayList()
+        for value in self.allowableValues:
+            values.add(value)
+        return values
+    def __add_resource_definition__(self, gateway, resouce_definition, 
+        allowed_types = 0
+        if resouce_definition.allow_file:
+            allowed_types += 1
+        if resouce_definition.allow_directory:
+            allowed_types += 1
+        if resouce_definition.allow_url:
+            allowed_types += 1
+        if resouce_definition.allow_text:
+            allowed_types += 1
+        array_type = 
+        types = gateway.new_array(array_type, allowed_types)
+        index = 0
+        if resouce_definition.allow_file:
+            types[index] = 
+            index += 1
+        if resouce_definition.allow_directory:
+            types[index] = 
+            index += 1
+        if resouce_definition.allow_url:
+            types[index] = 
+            index += 1
+        if resouce_definition.allow_text:
+            types[index] = 
+            index += 1
+        cardinality = 
gateway.jvm.org.apache.nifi.components.resource.ResourceCardinality.MULTIPLE if 
resouce_definition.allow_multiple else \
+        builder.identifiesExternalResource(cardinality, types[0], types[1:])
+class ProcessContext:
+    __trivial_attribute_reference__ = re.compile("\$\{([^${}\[\],:;/*\' 
\t\r\n\d][^${}\[\],:;/*\' \t\r\n]*)}")
+    __escaped_attribute_reference__ = re.compile("\$\{'([^${}\[\],:;/*\' 
\t\r\n\d][^${}\[\],:;/*\' \t\r\n]*)'}")
+    def __init__(self, java_context):
+        self.java_context = java_context
+        descriptors = java_context.getProperties().keySet()
+        self.name = java_context.getName()
+        self.property_values = {}
+        self.descriptor_value_map = {}
+        for descriptor in descriptors:
+            property_value = java_context.getProperty(descriptor.getName())
+            string_value = property_value.getValue()
+            property_value = 
 property_value, string_value)
+            self.property_values[descriptor.getName()] = property_value
+            python_descriptor = 
+            self.descriptor_value_map[python_descriptor] = string_value
+    def __create_python_property_value__(self, el_supported, 
java_property_value, string_value):
+        el_present = java_property_value.isExpressionLanguagePresent()
+        referenced_attribute = None
+        if el_present:
+            trivial_match = 
+            if trivial_match is not None:

Review Comment:
   Kinda subjective. With that operator the code can be flattened, which 
improves readability IMHO. This can be reduced to this code:
   if trivial_match := self.__trivial_attribute_reference__.match(string_value):
       referenced_attribute = trivial_match.group(1)
   elif escaped_match := 
       referenced_attribute = escaped_match.group(1)

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