smitajoshi12 commented on code in PR #7017:

@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import moment from 'moment';
+import filesize from 'filesize';
+import axios, { CanceledError } from 'axios';
+import { Row, Col, Button } from 'antd';
+import {
+  CheckCircleFilled,
+  WarningFilled
+} from '@ant-design/icons';
+import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
+import AutoReloadPanel from '@/components/autoReloadPanel/autoReloadPanel';
+import OverviewTableCard from '@/v2/components/overviewCard/overviewTableCard';
+import OverviewStorageCard from 
+import OverviewCardSimple from 
+import { AutoReloadHelper } from '@/utils/autoReloadHelper';
+import { showDataFetchError } from '@/utils/common';
+import { AxiosGetHelper, cancelRequests, PromiseAllSettledGetHelper } from 
+import { ClusterStateResponse, OverviewState, StorageReport } from 
+import './overview.less';
+const size = filesize.partial({ round: 1 });
+const getHealthIcon = (value: string): React.ReactElement => {
+  const values = value.split('/');
+  if (values.length == 2 && values[0] < values[1]) {
+    return (
+      <>
+        <div className='icon-warning' style={{
+          fontSize: '20px',
+          alignItems: 'center'
+        }}>
+          <WarningFilled style={{
+            marginRight: '5px'
+          }} />
+          Unhealthy
+        </div>
+      </>
+    )
+  }
+  return (
+    <div className='icon-success' style={{
+      fontSize: '20px',
+      alignItems: 'center'
+    }}>
+      <CheckCircleFilled style={{
+        marginRight: '5px'
+      }} />
+      Healthy
+    </div>
+  )
+const checkResponseError = (responses: Awaited<Promise<any>>[]) => {
+  const responseError = responses.filter(
+    (resp) => resp.status === 'rejected'
+  );
+  if (responseError.length !== 0) {
+    responseError.forEach((err) => {
+      if (err.reason.toString().includes("CanceledError")) {
+        throw new CanceledError('canceled', "ERR_CANCELED");
+      }
+      else {
+        const reqMethod = err.reason.config.method;
+        const reqURL = err.reason.config.url
+        showDataFetchError(
+          `Failed to ${reqMethod} URL ${reqURL}\n${err.reason.toString()}`
+        );
+      }
+    })
+  }
+const Overview: React.FC<{}> = () => {
+  let cancelOverviewSignal: AbortController;
+  let cancelOMDBSyncSignal: AbortController;
+  const [state, setState] = useState<OverviewState>({
+    loading: false,
+    datanodes: '',
+    pipelines: 0,
+    containers: 0,
+    volumes: 0,
+    buckets: 0,
+    keys: 0,
+    missingContainersCount: 0,
+    lastRefreshed: 0,
+    lastUpdatedOMDBDelta: 0,
+    lastUpdatedOMDBFull: 0,
+    omStatus: '',
+    openContainers: 0,
+    deletedContainers: 0,
+    openSummarytotalUnrepSize: 0,
+    openSummarytotalRepSize: 0,
+    openSummarytotalOpenKeys: 0,
+    deletePendingSummarytotalUnrepSize: 0,
+    deletePendingSummarytotalRepSize: 0,
+    deletePendingSummarytotalDeletedKeys: 0,
+    scmServiceId: '',
+    omServiceId: ''
+  })
+  const [storageReport, setStorageReport] = useState<StorageReport>({
+    capacity: 0,
+    used: 0,
+    remaining: 0,
+    committed: 0
+  })
+  // Component mounted, fetch initial data
+  useEffect(() => {
+    loadOverviewPageData();
+    autoReloadHelper.startPolling();
+    return (() => {
+      // Component will Un-mount
+      autoReloadHelper.stopPolling();
+      cancelRequests([
+        cancelOMDBSyncSignal,
+        cancelOverviewSignal
+      ]);
+    })
+  }, [])
+  const loadOverviewPageData = () => {
+    setState({
+      ...state,
+      loading: true
+    });
+    // Cancel any previous pending requests
+    cancelRequests([
+      cancelOMDBSyncSignal,
+      cancelOverviewSignal
+    ]);
+    const { requests, controller } = PromiseAllSettledGetHelper([
+      '/api/v1/clusterState',
+      '/api/v1/task/status',
+      '/api/v1/keys/open/summary',
+      '/api/v1/keys/deletePending/summary'
+    ], cancelOverviewSignal);
+    cancelOverviewSignal = controller;
+    requests.then(axios.spread((
+      clusterStateResponse: Awaited<Promise<any>>,
+      taskstatusResponse: Awaited<Promise<any>>,
+      openResponse: Awaited<Promise<any>>,
+      deletePendingResponse: Awaited<Promise<any>>
+    ) => {
+      checkResponseError([
+        clusterStateResponse,
+        taskstatusResponse,
+        openResponse,
+        deletePendingResponse
+      ]);
+      const clusterState: ClusterStateResponse = 
clusterStateResponse.value?.data ?? {
+        missingContainers: 'N/A',
+        totalDatanodes: 'N/A',
+        healthyDatanodes: 'N/A',
+        pipelines: 'N/A',
+        storageReport: {
+          capacity: 0,
+          used: 0,
+          remaining: 0,
+          committed: 0
+        },
+        containers: 'N/A',
+        volumes: 'N/A',
+        buckets: 'N/A',
+        keys: 'N/A',
+        openContainers: 'N/A',
+        deletedContainers: 'N/A',
+        keysPendingDeletion: 'N/A',
+        scmServiceId: 'N/A',
+        omServiceId: 'N/A',
+      };
+      const taskStatus = taskstatusResponse.value?.data ?? [{
+        taskName: 'N/A',
+        lastUpdatedTimestamp: 0,
+        lastUpdatedSeqNumber: 0
+      }];
+      const missingContainersCount = clusterState.missingContainers;
+      const omDBDeltaObject = taskStatus && taskStatus.find((item: any) => 
item.taskName === 'OmDeltaRequest');
+      const omDBFullObject = taskStatus && taskStatus.find((item: any) => 
item.taskName === 'OmSnapshotRequest');
+      setState({
+        ...state,
+        loading: false,
+        datanodes: 
+        pipelines: clusterState.pipelines,
+        containers: clusterState.containers,
+        volumes: clusterState.volumes,
+        buckets: clusterState.buckets,
+        keys: clusterState.keys,
+        missingContainersCount: missingContainersCount,
+        openContainers: clusterState.openContainers,
+        deletedContainers: clusterState.deletedContainers,
+        lastRefreshed: Number(moment()),
+        lastUpdatedOMDBDelta: omDBDeltaObject?.lastUpdatedTimestamp,
+        lastUpdatedOMDBFull: omDBFullObject?.lastUpdatedTimestamp,
+        openSummarytotalUnrepSize: 
+        openSummarytotalRepSize: 
+        openSummarytotalOpenKeys: openResponse?.value?.data?.totalOpenKeys,
+        deletePendingSummarytotalUnrepSize: 
+        deletePendingSummarytotalRepSize: 
+        deletePendingSummarytotalDeletedKeys: 
+        scmServiceId: clusterState?.scmServiceId,
+        omServiceId: clusterState?.omServiceId
+      });
+      setStorageReport({
+        ...storageReport,
+        ...clusterState.storageReport
+      });
+    })).catch((error: Error) => {
+      setState({
+        ...state,
+        loading: false
+      });
+      showDataFetchError(error.toString());
+    });
+  }
+  let autoReloadHelper: AutoReloadHelper = new 
+  const syncOmData = () => {
+    setState({
+      ...state,
+      loading: true
+    });
+    const { request, controller } = AxiosGetHelper(
+      '/api/v1/triggerdbsync/om',
+      cancelOMDBSyncSignal,
+      'OM-DB Sync request cancelled because data was updated'
+    );
+    cancelOMDBSyncSignal = controller;
+    request.then(omStatusResponse => {
+      const omStatus =;
+      setState({
+        ...state,
+        loading: false,
+        omStatus: omStatus
+      });
+    }).catch((error: Error) => {
+      setState({
+        ...state,
+        loading: false
+      });
+      showDataFetchError(error.toString());
+    });
+  };
+  const {
+    loading, datanodes, pipelines,
+    containers, volumes, buckets,
+    openSummarytotalUnrepSize,
+    openSummarytotalRepSize,
+    openSummarytotalOpenKeys,
+    deletePendingSummarytotalUnrepSize,
+    deletePendingSummarytotalRepSize,
+    deletePendingSummarytotalDeletedKeys,
+    keys, missingContainersCount,
+    lastRefreshed, lastUpdatedOMDBDelta,
+    lastUpdatedOMDBFull,
+    omStatus, openContainers,
+    deletedContainers, scmServiceId, omServiceId
+  } = state;
+  const healthCardIndicators = (
+    <>
+      <Col span={14}>
+        Datanodes
+        {getHealthIcon(datanodes)}
+      </Col>
+      <Col span={10}>
+        Containers
+        {getHealthIcon(`${(containers - 
+      </Col>
+    </>
+  )
+  const datanodesLink = (
+    <Button
+      type='link'
+      size='small'>
+      <Link to='/Datanodes'> View More </Link>
+    </Button>
+  )
+  const containersLink = (missingContainersCount > 0)
+    ? (
+      <Button
+        type='link'
+        size='small'>
+        <Link to='/MissingContainers'> View More</Link>
+      </Button>
+    ) : (
+      <Button
+        type='link'
+        size='small'>
+        <Link to='/Containers'> View More</Link>
+      </Button>
+    )
+  return (
+    <>
+      <div className='page-header-v2'>
+        Overview
+        <AutoReloadPanel isLoading={loading} lastRefreshed={lastRefreshed}
+          lastUpdatedOMDBDelta={lastUpdatedOMDBDelta} 
+          togglePolling={autoReloadHelper.handleAutoReloadToggle} 
onReload={loadOverviewPageData} omSyncLoad={syncOmData} omStatus={omStatus} />
+      </div>
+      <div style={{ padding: '24px' }}>
+        <Row
+          align='stretch'
+          gutter={[
+            {
+              xs: 24,
+              sm: 24,
+              md: 16,
+              lg: 16,
+              xl: 16
+            }, 20]}>
+          <Col xs={24} sm={24} md={24} lg={10} xl={10}>
+            <OverviewTableCard
+              title='Health'
+              data={healthCardIndicators}
+              showHeader={true}
+              columns={[
+                {
+                  title: '',
+                  dataIndex: 'name',
+                  key: 'name'
+                },
+                {
+                  title: 'Available',
+                  dataIndex: 'value',
+                  key: 'value',
+                  align: 'right'
+                },
+                {
+                  title: 'Actions',
+                  dataIndex: 'action',
+                  key: 'action',
+                  align: 'right'
+                }
+              ]}
+              tableData={[
+                {
+                  key: 'datanodes',
+                  name: 'Datanodes',
+                  value: datanodes,
+                  action: datanodesLink
+                },
+                {
+                  key: 'containers',
+                  name: 'Containers',
+                  value: `${(containers - 
+                  action: containersLink
+                }
+              ]}
+            />
+          </Col>
+          <Col xs={24} sm={24} md={24} lg={14} xl={14}>
+            <OverviewStorageCard storageReport={storageReport} 
loading={loading} />
+          </Col>
+        </Row>
+        <Row gutter={[
+          {
+            xs: 24,
+            sm: 24,
+            md: 16,
+            lg: 16,
+            xl: 16
+          }, 20]}>
+          <Col flex="1 0 20%">
+            <OverviewCardSimple
+              title='Volumes'
+              icon='inbox'
+              loading={loading}
+              data={volumes}
+              linkToUrl='/Volumes' />
+          </Col>
+          <Col flex="1 0 20%">
+            <OverviewCardSimple
+              title='Buckets'
+              icon='folder-open'
+              loading={loading}
+              data={buckets}
+              linkToUrl='/Buckets' />
+          </Col>
+          <Col flex="1 0 20%">
+            <OverviewCardSimple
+              title='Keys'
+              icon='file-text'
+              loading={loading}
+              data={keys} />
+          </Col>
+          <Col flex="1 0 20%">
+            <OverviewCardSimple
+              title='Pipelines'
+              icon='deployment-unit'
+              loading={loading}
+              data={pipelines}
+              linkToUrl='/Pipelines' />
+          </Col>
+          <Col flex="1 0 20%">
+            <OverviewCardSimple
+              title='Deleted Containers'
+              icon='delete'
+              loading={loading}
+              data={deletedContainers} />
+          </Col>
+        </Row>
+        <Row gutter={[
+          {
+            xs: 24,
+            sm: 24,
+            md: 16,
+            lg: 16,
+            xl: 16
+          }, 20]}>
+          <Col xs={24} sm={24} md={24} lg={12} xl={12}>
+            <OverviewTableCard

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