dsmiley commented on code in PR #2548:
URL: https://github.com/apache/solr/pull/2548#discussion_r1664889355

@@ -220,4 +185,45 @@ protected boolean tryLock(int lockTimeoutMs) {
       return succeeded;
+  private static DistributedUpdateProcessor newDurp(SolrQueryRequest req, long 
lockTimeoutMs) {
+    if (lockTimeoutMs <= 0) {
+      // default
+      return new DistributedUpdateProcessor(req, null, null);
+    }
+    // customize UpdateLocks with the provided timeout.  And simulate docs 
taking longer to index
+    final var sleepMs = 5000;

Review Comment:
   Yeah I was thinking that (this would be an improvement over the test as it 
ws written).  I'll do that; maybe still giving it more time in case the test is 
running slow.

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