GOOD NEWS! We've received a limited number of tuition waivers for the 4 ASU
graduate courses offered during the 1st SUMMER SESSION (3 weeks: June
11-29.)  We can provide FREE dorm housing, too, for needy and dedicated

Please reply to me if you're interested in free tuition and free housing.
All you'd need to pay are meals, travel, and books. Ask your school to
match our support with Eisenhower or other funds (maybe Title VI - gifted
and talented?). Tell them that this is ideal professional development!

The 4 ASU courses and instructors are (you can take 1 course):

*  PHS 530: Methods of Physics Teaching I. Line # 68379
(Modeling Workshop in mechanics. 8-3 daily. Prerequisite 1 semester of
physics. For physical science, math, and chemistry teachers too.)
Excellent peer leaders: Jeff Hengesbach and Sean McKeever.

*  PHS 531: Methods of Physics Teaching II. Line #62514
(Modeling Workshop/2nd semester content. 8-3 daily)
Excellent peer leaders: Presidential Awardee Larry Dukerich, with 5 expert
modelers (Don Yost, Rex Rice, Mark Schober, David Braunschweig, and Charlie
Toft) who will be refining curriculum materials.

*  PHS 540: Integrated Physics & Chemistry. Line #62400
(1-4 PM daily. Otto Sankey, Andrew Chizmeshya)
Kristen Guyser, Earl Legleiter, Stan Hutto, David Boyer, Patrick Daisley,
Consuelo Rogers, David Hill, Mark Barner, Lynette Burdick, and Dawn Harman
are among the modelers who will participate.

David Hestenes said, "The purpose of the course is to stimulate true
integration of physics and chemistry in high school. The course is
appropriate for chemistry teachers as well as physics teachers. An
innovative design for this course has emerged from a study group of faculty
and teachers. However, there remain some knotty problems about modeling
molecular bonding that challenge the faculty and intrigue the teachers."
(Consider enrolling as a team with a chemistry teacher from your school.)

*  PHS 570: Spacetime Physics. Line #58376
(10-1 daily. Richard Jacob)
Gregg Swackhamer, 2 QuarkNet teachers, and Kelli Gamez Warble are among
those who will participate.

Richard Jacob is one of the 2 BEST instructors who I had when I was a
student at ASU (the other one was - guess who - David Hestenes!). This
course is project-centered. It has a strong connection with elementary
particle physics and hence with new high school research programs such as
QuarkNet and CROP.

Jane Jackson, Co-Director, Modeling Instruction Program
Box 871504, Dept.of Physics & Astronomy,ASU,Tempe,AZ 85287
480-965-8438/fax:965-7331  <>

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