The following announcement is from Dr. Thomas Rossing, Professor of Physics at Northern Illinois University and member of the Illinois Section of AAPT.  He asked me to help publicize the NIU events described below by sending the information to all of you who are currently in my e-mail address book for the ISAAPT.

Tom added that he regrets that he will be unable to attend our fall meeting at Joliet Junior College on Oct. 26-27 since he has been invited to be the banquet speaker at the Wisconsin Section of AAPT that same weekend.

Professor Lillian McDermott, University of Washington, will give a lecture at Northern Illinois University at 3:30 pm on Friday, Oct. 5, 2001, on the subject "Bridging the Gap between Teaching and Learning: The Role of Research."  This lecture is sponsored by the Graduate Colloquium Committee and the Department of Physics and will be in 200 Faraday West.

On Saturday morning, Oct. 6, from 9:00-noon, Professor McDermott and Professor Paula Heron, also from the University of Washington, will conduct a hands-on workshop in Faraday West 227.  Faculty members and graduate students who wish to participate in the workshop should register in advance by calling Thomas Rossing at 815-753-6493 or sending  him an e-mail at "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  Openings will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Professors McDermott and Heron have given workshops on physics learning all over the world.  They have developed a laboratory based curriculum Physics by Inquiry and a supplementary curriculum Tutorials in Introductory Physics.  The workshop will be partly based on these materials.  This famous team gives these workshops at professional meetings but rarely at individual universities, and we are fortunate, indeed, to have this opportunity at NIU.

Professor McDermott is one of the foremost authorities on physics education in the world.  She has received many honors, including the Robert A. Millikan medal and the Oersted medal for her contributions to the teaching of physics.  She recently served on a National Research Council committee on development of an addendum to the National Science Education standards.

David Renneke

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