On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 05:10:49PM +0100, Sean Hammond wrote:
> Hi, I'm using mbsync to pull a lot of email (several GB) from my gmail
> account to a local maildir. It seems to be working fine, but it has
> printed a number of warnings and I wanted to check that these are safe
> to ignore? mbsync has stopped mid-pull with these messages:
> "IMAP error: unexpected BYE response: [OVERQUOTA] Account exceeded
> command or bandwidth limits."
that seems quite expected given your usage.

> After this one I tried using the program `trickle` to throttle
> mbsync's download speed, but that caused mbsync to freeze (using no
> cpu or bandwidth, not giving any output) for a few hours until I
> killed it.
try the master branch - it has proper timeout handling.

> I've now put `PipelineDepth 1` in my .mbsyncrc instead, and that seems
> to work just fine.
a less drastical limit like 50 may still work, and would be considerably

> "IMAP error: unexpected BYE response: System Error" mbsync sometimes
> exits with this error, it seems to continue working again fine if I just
> start the command again, and I'm happy to run it in a while loop.
i'm fairly sure google finds a nice stack trace in their logs every
time this happens. ^^

> "Warning: lost track of 57473 pulled message(s)" is printed whenever I
> restart mbsync after one of the above messages stops it, or after a
> severed network connection or a ctrl-c from me stops it  (the number
> is different every time).
the worst that can happen is that you get some duplicate mails if the
loss of tracking has profound reasons (we actually found a few mbsync
and server bugs this way). usually, it just means as much as "the
connection was interrupted. you wasted some bandwidth."

> I wanted to check whether it's ok for mbsync to be ctrl-c'd and to stop
> with the above errors and just be restarted again? It won't miss any
> emails, or leave any in a partial state, etc?
it's just fine.

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